s&h 017
your eommand and under your control.
If those round shoulders trouble you very uuich you can lie on the tioor, face dowu-ward, and raiseyour head upward and back-ward as far as possible. Tlierc is moro tlian one cscrcise for one set of museles, and tlie man who thinks can work out an endless yariety of moveinenls thai will be very fasei-nating.
Go to your gyinnasiuiu, if you bave one, but your bedrooni or auy room that is avail-able will do just as well, and imaginary healtb lifls will bring you strength quite as (juickly as tbe real artiele; but tbat depends upon yourself.
To corne ltaek to tbose shoulders again. When you are workiug to correct tliem you are also gradually dereloping other parts of your body. You are straining tlie back and tlie ncck, and tliat strain stretches tlie museles of the chest and tlie nbdomen, and its good effeets reaeli eren as far as the legs.
One of the most emiuent authorities in the
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s&h 017 1< STJiENGTH ANI) HEALTH your eommand and under your control. If those round shoulders tr202 Marek Lubicz Lubicz, M., Misiński, W., Radosiński, E. 2000. Health services financing and plannis&h 049 40 STKKNLTH ANI) HEALTH manded by an aetive adult will su (lice. Aml Hn* dimute musi be takes&h 093 93 STHKNOTH ANI) HEALTH TIIK IINGKRS—No. 1 Plaee tlio palms of both hands tojiether, as slioIfYoureHappybw If You ire Happy and You Know It a a 1. If you’re happy and you know it Clap your hanIfYoureHappy A nIf YouYe Happy and You Know It 1. If you’re happy and you know it Clap your hands. Iimage013 Tlł^NALYTięA^ABORATgg^ The AnLab is your chancc to tell us which storics you likc beat, and67486 s&h 129 STRENGTH AND HEALTH 129 BACK AND STOMACH—No. 1 For a weak bark or a stornach tliat is16 of Studies and Planning (DEP) to plan, coordinate, and monitor health development projects, and (Start Fresh Your Childs Start to Lifelong Healthy?ting Your Child * Jump Start to LlfłłonR HealthySpecial Techniąues You ani keep your lAucc with a rn/cr or pLiCć marketReading Patterns You usu10 6 Before you make your offer - gvearguments. The offer should logically be a result of your argum72395 s&h 137 STUENGTH AND HEALTH 137 CUEST AND ARMS—No. 1 Another siniplo moyement- which, wliilc lf You Yourfnend 2. You and your friend talk about the school envlronmenc. You ask him/her about iLPrevalence (%) amiDoay dass CD UC otherGIT disorders Healthy ASCA IgA and/or1aa LIFE.THIS IS YOUR DO WHAT YOU LOVE,AND DO IT OFTEN. IF YOU DONłT LIKE SOMETHING, CHANGE IT. IF Ywięcej podobnych podstron