- »<» okassa- <et>: huvro tau V ct cactt a co foOk. wrt 3 <Ar as itmm i ird <Srm frj -S tu oc het*
- JOc <Xiiyr <eS> in so-v3 «
lp. I cb. 7 cl* bet next dc «ith 5 eh bet eaeh d. 1 eh. I sc in eb-S lp. rep from *• to ** t»ice morę. mwk 5 eh. I sc Ib next eh lp. I ch. II cis with 5 ch bet eaeh. I ch. 1 sc in ch-5 lp. rep from •* around. end w*xh 5 ch. I sc in neu ch lp. 1 ch; close with sl st in top of first cl. RNl) 4 : In ch lp» bet cis. woefc 2 sc, l p (- 4 ch. 1 sl st in top of lut sc). 2 sc md 2 ch: in ch-S Ips work 1 sc. 4-si p. I k. 2 ch; dose with sl st in first sc. Kas-ten olf.
USD • Ch 4. in first st of ch-4 wotk 1 shdl <sh> (- 3 dc * 3 ch ♦ 3 dc): ch 7. tum each nw. Work 100 sh in alk Nd on insidc Tch. join thus: replice center st of ch-7 wśłh dc or 3-dtr cl worked in coetcsp p of Center Section. Join list sh of Band to first sh thus: rcplace cester fl of sh ch lp with I sl st worked In base of first sh. Afler complcting lOOth sh. ch 3. wo:k 1 tr in top of cb-3 of first sh md coc* with Bordee lll around Bied.
mm. RN OS 1-17: Work foliowin* diigrim: close with sl h thrccjfcoct (fitst u - 4 ch). At end of rnd $. cut thread (se* bUck wedge). at-tach thread with sl st m «h lp a shown to fcw md 6 (sec white wedge). On rnd 17, close with sl st In cfc-1 (-first sc). Fasten off (sec blick wedge)