< Coont Luct*oo Nefana h OCCUPATION
-y Crmcal: focmer bead ot Nefana ^ "famrfy" ot Maggra H BASE
2 Vanous, inckjding castle ongtnaHy q iocated m Itały and reconstructed . . tn tbe New Jersey Palisades
Italian nobleman Count Luchino Nefana used his fortunę both to finance teehnological research and to make hiimelf a power in the Maggia enme syndicate. Nefaria s\vife Renata died giving bii th to their daughter Giulietta. Gruwing up in America as Whitney frost, Giulietta wouki eventuaily bccome the Maggia leader called Madame Mascjuk In rctaiiation tor the Avencers* opposition to the Maggia, Nefaria tramed them tor treason.The Avenger$ weic elearcd, but Nefana was publidy exposed as a criminah Among liis grandest sehemes, Nefaria captured Washington DC and held it for ransom, and later took over the North American Ocfcnsc Conmiand base at Valhalla Mountain. On both occasions he was thwarted by the
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 m WEIGHT 230 Ibs EYES Bk*
HAIR Black
Tho Avongers *13 (Fot. 1965)
a Amonom rw od whie trymg te
*.r. *v» 1
Supertwmar* wonęfih. fipeod, and rev-rfance to irjury, projocts leser beerns trom eyes: roflonorates aJte* «*ry. drans energy from olher
Crazy Gang
Later. Nefaria had Prof. Kenneth Sturdy endow him with the powers ofthc Living Laser, Power Man, and Whirewind and again battled the Awngers. Soon atterwards. however. Ne tar u aged into an ancicnc invalid, and scemingjy died when his body was crushcd. Howeeer. Nefaria revived as a superhuman powered by tonie energy, and eontinues to inenace the cntire world. PS
FIRST APPEARANCE Mary* Super Hero« #377 (S«pt 1901)
Ex»cułłon*r A hooded scythe-Włeklmg homanod robot.
Jester Aocompftahed swordtman Kn«v* Po»MW8» Supcrbumon stroogth
Red Owwn ► -.wryty twir.t« M raaKy trio nagat.Ye tttuaiione Tweedledope kJ*Ot-Mrv*nt wtło d«vi*M »dvancad mactwwy.
The Crazy Gang is a team of protcssional cnminals from another dimension (Earth-238, or the Crooked World) who look hkc characters from childrens storybooks. They \\ ere assembled by that dimension s Caktain Bruain (called Captain UK. teal n ame: James Jaspcrs).
When the Crazy Gang was transported to the Earch of the Captain Britain, who was really Iirian Braddock, they proved incompetcnt at coinmittmg cnmes and so advcrtised tor a ncw leader.They were taken ovcr by Captain Bruain s foe the Slaymaster. who mastcrnnnded a series ot"spectacular crimes which the Crazy ( Jang carricd out for him.They were then reeruked by master assassm Ar< aof to abduet Courtncy Ross, the tormer girlffiend of Captain Bruain Ross nunaged to escape from the bumbling group, but was taken pnsoner by Areade himselt.T lie Oazy Gang later elashed with Exc ai mus, w ho subscquently allowed them to remam in this dimension. MT