y Rachel Annę Summers. now < Rachel Grey
HEIOHT 5ft7in WEIOHT 125 tos
The Xavier Institute. Salem Center. New York
In an alternate fi*uro Ahab bromwashod Rachel rito serang as his telepothlc mutant ”i«ound.”
Rachel Summers is the daughter of the Scott Summers (Cyciops) and Jean Grey (alias Phoenbc) ofan alternate timeline known as the“Days of Futurę Past.” In this reality, the US government activated mutant-hunting robot Sentinels after Senator Robert Kelly was assassinated by mutant terrorists. Federal troops attacked Professor X’s mansion, the X-Men s base. and captured Rachel.
Rachel was brainwashed mto bccoming.»mutant "hound," using her telepathic powers to track down other nuitants. Her face was brandcd with tattoos (which nowadays she uses her powers to conccal). Evenrually Rachel rcbelled and attacked her master.
Ahab. As punishment, she was confined to a mutant concentration camp. By now the Sentinels had taken control of North America. In an ełFort to change history. Rachel used her powers to send the astral selfofher friend Kate Pkydl (a middle-aged vcrsion ofKitty) back in time. Kates spirit journeyed to the “mainstream" reality of the X-Men, where she thwarted Kelly s assassination. After returning to their alternate futurę, Kate sent Rachel back through time to the “mainstream” reality, where she joined the X-Men. Rachel bondcd with the Phocnix Force, enabling her to tap its energies. and adopted the nanie “Phoenix.” Subsequendy she became a founding member ofExcalibur.
Mother Askani
Rachel was cast two thousand years hencc into an alternate Earth which was ruled by the mutant tyram Apocalypse. There she founded a group of rebels, the Askani.
Decadcs later, as the elderly Mother Askani, she sent one of In followcrs back in time to retrieve the infant Nathan Summers. Mother Askani also transported the astral seh es of Scott Summers and Jean Grey into new bodies in this alternate futurę, where they raiscd Nathan for ten years. Then Mother Askani sent Scott and Jeans astral selves back to their proper time and bodies. before she herself perished. Nathan grew up to become Cable. After an alteration in the timestream. Rachel was a living teenager once morę. though she lost her connection to the Phoenix Force. She was held captive in an alternate futurę by a being named Gaunt. Cable returned her to the X-Mens time. and she rejoined the team. In honor of her mother. Rachel now calls herself”Rachel Grey" and has adopted Jeans original codę nanie. "Marvel Girl.” PS
The Uncanny X-Man 9141 (January 1981)
Rachel Sunmers hos consłderabte teiepothc and totekinotic aCdrtios She formorty $orvod as the host ot tho Phoerw Force. wtuch greetty iimpWod her psionic powers.
As mother Askart. Rachel cruated a dono ot the ■ntant CObte. called Słryfe.
As Phoenix, Ractłel couid use tho oosmic Phoenbc Force, though ryA to ihe same extect as Jean Groy.
In honor ol Jean \ » Grey, Summers hos }/' V
and Marve! Gin ! 1
H ESSENTIAL STORYLINES f • New Mutants Vol. 1 *18. Exca!ibur Vol. 1 *52
In her tmelne. Rachel wrtnessos tho foderal altack on Xavier's mansion and becomes Ahab‘s 'hound.’
• Uncanny X-Men *184-199 Rachel journeys to the “m3lrvstroam' tinwkne. joins the X-Men and becomes the New Phooroc • Advontures of Cyciops and Phoonix *1-4 i As the eldecty Mothor Askani, Rachel bnngs Scott k Summers and Jean Grey to a distant futura to ratse the young Cobte.