29209 Image (103)

29209 Image (103)





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why not take a chance? Ev-!ry-thing’s a gamę. And it don’t stop hook-ing up, noth-ing’s gon-na change. Weil,


let ring-----1




let ring-----1

o — o--





D.S. al Coda 2

i r- g

the morę he’s try - ing,

the morę he’s buy -ing. He says,



Additional Lyrics

Chorus 2. She’s saying, “Fm on the run.

Fm chasing guys for fun.”

Her baby daddy,

It ain’t his only one.

She’s saying, “Fm on the run.

Fm chasing guys for fun.”

I know you wanna hit that.

I know you wanna hit that, hit that. Ev’rybody’s gettin’ with, I say. Conseąuences are a lot, but hey.

That’s the way it,

Thafs that way things go. Hey, hey, hey.

Chorus 3. He lsays, “Fm on a roli With all the girls I know.”

His baby mama Don’t need to know.

He’s saying, “Fm on a roli With all the girls I know.”

I know you wanna hit that.

I know you wanna hit that, hit that.

All the world is gettin’ with, I say. Conseąuences are a lot, but hey.

Thafs the way it,

Thafs that way things go.



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