29606 TME 9

29606 TME 9


FACTFłLE ANGEL (Tom HaHoway) Fmanced Scourges of the



Underworid SCOURGEI

Gunood down the Enforcer. stan od kiHmg crimmate around the U.S.


Killed Scourge I to keep him from taftung


«■ Loaving the groop. he became an agent of the Red Skuli

The onginal Scourge was the brothcr of the criminał known as the Enforcer. Outragcd by his brothers crimmal beh.mor, Scourge got a gun. disguiscd humelf as an okl woman. and guimcd down the Enforcer. He

Knowi as Soourgo ot the Underworld. Soougos wen? dotormned to ńd lho worid ot cnme.

KiBed Scourge II. then went aft er Prisalia Lyona who left the groop SCOURGE V (Prisalia Lyons) Left Scourges. incumng their wrath

CAPRICE (Scourge VI)

Master of disgutse. esptonage. brain wasfwng. mterrogation BLOOOSTAIN (Scourge VII): Master of armed and unarmod combat

DOMINO (Ounsinane) Encydopedic knowtedge of every costumed harc. vttam. organization

thcn bccanic ohsessed with traveling the country ruthlessly cxtcrminating crimmal after criniinal. all while disguiscd. Each cime hc shot somcone. Scourge shouted “Justice is served!

The original Scourge was capturcd by Captain America, but bcfore Cap could tum him ovcr the authorides, Scourge was shot by an unseen assailant, who also shouted “Justice is servcd!" who thcn hecame the ncw Scourge. Over the years. each Scourge has becn assassinated by a following Scourge to kecp him from talki ng.

Scourges relied on the resources of a private dctccdve named Domino, who kept track of Super Villaim around the world. Over the years. the various Scourges killed eountless villains mcluding Mikach- Man. the Wkaith.Jaguar. 1 Iammi R and Anyil. the Humań Fly. and the Chcetah. DW


Iron Man *194 (May 1985)

FIRST APPEARANCE >Vnazng SpOer Man *394 (Octobor 1994) REAL NAME InappAcable (discovered to be an orgonization)

OC CU PATIOM Cnminal Colt BASE Unr©vealed HEIGHTAWEIGHT/EYES HAIR 'łot appfacab*©

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Each member of the Scrier is a formidabie combatant. The Scrier also have access to an array of sophisticated weaponry.

Hiding out in hit mobile bose, Scourge gett J cali on his videophone. It can meatt only one thing— totne Super 1’illain it ripe for thr plucking!

Scourge dom a hlonde irig and a female maik kefir* tpeaking to hit infirmant, Domino.

FIRST APPEARANCE Jorom- lothai Protector *4 (May 1993)

REAL NAME Donna (fuli name unrevea1ed)


HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGMT :30lbS EYES Whrte HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Symt>ote provtdm enhanced strengih. speod. and stamina Scream's prehensilo hair can stupo rtsetf nto cłeadty weapons.

Rcsearchers at the Life Foundation laboratories tried to replicate the process that had givcn risc to Carnage by bonding five workers with alien synibiotes. One of the subjects, a mcntally fragile wonian named Donna, found that the process drove her further into madness. The five test subjects sought out Vcnom for help in controlling their synibiotes. but Donna killed her fellow hybrids.

Somctimes adopting the codę name Scrcam. she has struggled to adjust to her new lifc and becomc a morę sympathede figurę. DW

Scrier, The

By wearmg idemical garb. for ccnturics the Brothcrhood of the Scrier maintained the deception that the Scrier was just one beitig. It was a dcver ploy, disguising the truć naturo and scopc of this worldwide cnminal organizauon. United by their worship of a godlike bcing. itsclf callcd the Scrier. the Brotherhood bccamc cspecially powerful under a new and mysterious leader who focused the organizadon s cnergics on Spidkr-Man and his clone. Ben Reilly.

It emerged that this ncw leader was in fact Norman Osborn (sec Grlen Goni in).

Following Osborn s defeat the fatc of the Scricrs rcmains uncertam. AD


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