FIRST APPtAMANCI N*w M*«} (Marcu t«M) MALNAME Oougt** R*r*#y OCCUPATION Sludml BAK Pic<Mi0f x»v« t Viw tor Oł*d MFKłHT - ** »- WfcIGHT 1 O M EYES Hm* HA IR SPfcCIAL POWFRS/ABILITIf S poMMMd 1 rm»t«
o» «v*n computaroOdA
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CYCLOPS see oppositc pagc
FIRST APPEARANCE FanUttbC Foor MS ■Dcoamb* 10t}5ł REALNAME Corystafca Am*qy*hn Mauntoff OCCUPATION Adv*nłur*r BASE C4y of AttEon . vanou*(y locatad n tha Pfcmaiayat on Iht Moon. and on Atttór l». Aliantic Ocaan HEIOHT Sitem WElGHT 110Kw EYES <Va*r HAIR Rad SPECIAL POWERS. AB ILI Tl ES Elamantal powars enabto Imt lo p*o«ca»y contrd Era. ar. aarth, and water
(!rystal is an clciiKntal and a member ot" chc Koyal Family of the Inhi maks, a gcnctically adv anced otlśhoot of hunianity. Shc is also the younger ikter of Medu&a. I orced tnco cxilc. cIr-Koyal Family wandcrcd the world. cwntually arriving m New York C liry. w herc < "rystal met jikI tell in Iow with Johnny Storni, the Hi man Turcji. i rystal subvct|ucndy becomc a substitutc member of the Fm r durmg Inyimbłl Woman Susan Richard** nutermty leaw. C Irystal ewiKually marned tik? ccmperamemal (ji k kńiiv! k of thc Av i v i ks The\ lud a duughtcr named Luna. but their nur rugę has bcen nuried by repeated cstrungenicnts C rystal has also scrved as a member of thc Awngers. hełpmg the team battle the (Iaiiieriks PS
The wite of Zuras.the ruler ot* thc Etfrnais.(!yhelc lus hved a lik-surprisingly icmote froni thc atłairs ofhcr fcllow unmortals. Marrymg Zuras in the days before thc rise of the ani. lent CIreek cwili/ation. Cybcle borę Ins chtld, A/ura (later Itnown as Tm na) and tcndctl to hei upbringing. Aft er A/ura ranie of agc. Cybcle wuhdrew frum (Ir other Ltcrnals. Dopite her tor nuda Ne powro. >he chooses to bve ijuietly in a forest iii C 'olorado. w herc she usc* her psionn ahihties to rctnain mróible to huiium, iinless she wishes tliem to see or hear her AD
Durmg Worki War I.Silas Biur scrved as the loinnunding officcr of Logan (hy WotviRiM) in thc “Devil\ Brtgadc** ofthe Caiudian arim He later killcd Logan‘s girItrlend. beat Logan up and gouged i>ut his cyc, begmning a litclong. bitter enmity between the two. I >uring the subseqoent decado,
Burr turneil himself rato a fornuduMc opponent: part-man. part-nuihinc with skin
laccd w uh adamantium. to make it virtu.dly impenotrabłe and indcstructiblc. I le enhanced Ins consulerable tighting abilities bv csjuipping each oflns hamls with an adamantium claw Taking the name Cyber. he crosscd paths with WoIverine w inie working for a drug cartcl based on the Soutlieast Asian island ot Madripoor. In a fight w ith Wokerine, he lost an cyc and leli victun to a new hallucinogenic drug that drów him insane.Tlie drugs after-etfeets cnablcd Inni to track bram patterns o\er seseral nulcs.
Sporting a cybenietic left eye in place ofthe one he had lost, Cyber led a femalc crime orgam/jtHHi known as Helis Bclles and clashed with X l:At jor and L\c AiiBLR.The mutant CIfnfms ultunateh lured Cyber into a trap. w herc he died. lus łlesh consumcd liy mutant de.uh-watili beetles. DW
Doug Kamsey s interest m Computer pmgiammtng and games brought Inni into conta.t with Kuty Pitym, and ftom there Peurwk X. w ho reah/ed that Ratracy s ability to dccipher Lmguagcs was a mutant trait Both the Nfw Mt tanis and In ima I tosis Hiiiioks tried to r cc ruit K a niscy; lic cvcmualiy became a member ot the New Muiants jtter they re<$ucstcd lus jrI tn uunmunkatmg with the ncwh-amwd ahen child caBed W AR l m k.
( ypher often compłained that his giłł was not of great value in a figlu with SuperVillaim. hut he prowd his heroisin w hen he sacnhced Ins lite biot king a bullet iiKunt tor his tcaimiutc,
Wl U l Ml ANI. TB