Nuclcar power-plant worker Norton McCoy was exposed to internę radiation, and his son Henry was bom a mutant, with unusually large hands and feet. Henry s schoolinates called him “Beast,” but his mutant physique enabled him to become a star football player. When a criminal called the Conquistador abducted Henry s parents to force Henry to work for him, the X-Mtn came to the rescue.The teams founder, Proh-.ssor X, reeruited Henry and, codenamed the Beast, he thus becante one of the X-Mens original members.
Th® Bi
afrongtx agtty ÓjraMty. and onhancod Mnooo. indudOg coOm® night vwan Heaabto k» mx*w stpertxman a illno— tnen rana wound* Ho tRn poeeeoaee gerwrs i"v«i 1Q. w*h exlrt*jrjn*ry
1 Wohwlno 2JeonGmy 3Bms*
>•••» -• : • 4 ■ >
SEmmoFroat 6Cydapo
The Be.itt hot grou-n morę nuittioe and morę Jiriine im jppearanee: hit Jt(e rmc retemUes a lion’t.
Nnm. «Nch gave hm • moro twa kxm end rooeeed auperpowers
Though Boss! cart b*» fceroo m batHn. paradowcaly ho « uho a mon ot h^jh •'łsloct. thorp w®, and great WndnooA
Henry P "Honk” McCoy OCCUPATtON
Adventurer. biochemio!
The Xavier msttuto, Salem Center. NowTtork
HEICHT 5ft11łn WEtOHT 402 be EYES Blue
HAIR Brown (origbeHy): bluo-błack (currentty)
X-Mon Vol. 1 #1 (Septombw 1963)
Under Xaviers tutclage McCoy earncd his Ph.D. and went on ro become a genetic rcsearcher at the Corporation.
There he devrloped a serum that furt her mutated him: hc grew tur all over his body. as well as fangs and pointed ears.
Initially McCoy attempted to
nusqucrade as a normal human by using a latex nusk and gloves.
I Iowewt. the Beast abandoned this disguise.joined the Avfngers, and publicly revealcd his truć identity. l.atcr. the licast reorganized another team, the Dhtni>i rs. After this incarnation ot*the Defcnders coHapscd, the Beast rejoined Xavier s other four original X-Mcn in a new mutant team, X-Fa* tor. Soon atterwaids, the Beast was
capturcd by fornier Brand scientist Dr. Carl Maddicks, who uscd a serum to causc the Beast to revert to his prcvious. morę human appcarancc. Still later, the mutant Ineeitias powers returncd the Beast to his tur-covercd form.
The appliance of Science
The original members of X-Factor rejoined the X-Men. and McCoy succeeded in creating a curc for the I egacy Vtrus, drawing on research hy Dr. Moira Ma< The Beast thereafter bncfly serwd in the spinoff team, the X-Trcme X-Men. Aftcr the Beast was nearly killed m conibat, fcllow mcinber Tessa sa\*cd his lito hy using her powers to mutacc him evcn further. The Beast remains an activc combatant. the X-Mcn % residem scientist, and a tcacher at the Xavier Institute PS