Stand manufacturers regi/ar.y update the $f\ap«s of stands to ensure they are appropnate for modem designs. There are va*ious types of stand for women. men and cnildren. as well as ha f-scale stands and stands with dctachabe arms for modę ng seeves. Worr<eVs stards a-e avaitabe in many shaoes and sizes for dresses, skirts, trousers. swmwear, outerwear and maternity clothes
Professional dress stands hav» solidiy sluffed torsos. are height adjustafrle and are supported by a strcng. neavy base Som« fijve retreolable »tvoulders. The linen exterior o* most stands 15 diyided vertically into eight panels. p:ovidmg the mam seamlines on whnh most fitted garmcnis are constructed
Instructions for makiog o stuffcd arm for modellmg s'eeve styfes can be found on pago 30