Małgorzata Durydiwka
I ICH WYKORZYSTANIE W PROMOCJI TURYSTYCZNEJ (na przykładach powiatów gorlickiego i sokolskiego)
The cultural yalues of the rural areas in Poland and their usage in the touristic promotion
Summary: Various factors influence the touristic attractiveness of the rural areas. Broadly understood natural amenities are undoubtedly of decisive value in shaping the touristic attractiveness of the rural areas nationwide in Poland. It should be therefore mentioned that in many Polish regions the cultural value is a significant factor complementing this attractiveness and the cultural potential is morę and morę often used in the touristic activity and promotion of the rural areas. The above assumption has been analysed on the example of two administrative districts: Gorlice (the Southern Poland) and Sokółka (the North Eastern Poland).
On the bases of Internet sources, guidebooks, and touristic maps, the cultural values of the Gorlice and Sokółka administrative districts have been listed. The list comprised: sacred buildings, secular buildings (castles, palaces, manors), museums (including heritage parks), industrial monuments, folk architecture monuments, historie graveyards, burg cities, historie forts, other monuments, and periodical folk and cultural events as well as the handicraft. The method used to evaluate the cultural attractiveness of the rural areas in the analysed districts was the points scalę. The points were granted for the presence of items in the above specified categories (one point for each monument or event).