Thufl i a your body ffertllleoć.
Horo aro o twn noro ffcota I want you to absorb*
As the food i s swallowed, lt ls pras pod by tho ancular wali of the fbod tubo, and fbrcrd do-mwarćs ant* alonf tho nuaoular food tubo, which la about ton yard a long* Ali aloag thia tubo aro olroular or ring ouaeloa that arc constantly contr a c tiry; and rola*inj;, ihua grlpplng and urgin,- tho food on to dlgestlon and oracua-tlon*
Pr cna lacie of phyalcal oxorclso and booauae of Incorroct fooda, tho o o waeles wookan, and boo ono urabia to aocoapllah thoIr work.
Tho rosult la, eonatlpation, indigeation, stcouich trcubles of orory ldnd, and auto lntoxicatlon.
Tho a o faota will proao to you that by aonuonelng your sohodulo of hoalth and body bu i ld Ing wlth dlot and a bd ominął oaerciao, 1 an atnrting you out RIOHT for nuaoular dcralopccnt de pond a on lnnor atrength. Thon aa eworything In your body ia !5JSCttLAR, esorclao la tho koy to hoalth and phyoioal happineaa*
Tho aa jor food subatanooa, whioh eona tl tuto tho bulk of our fooda, aro:
Carbohydratoa, Fhta, and Pr otoIna*
Tho talnor food aubstanooa arot
•flnerala, Colluloao, and Stanina*
CAfiAOHYtEATCc ooataln tho olootonts car bon, hydr ogon, and orygon* or, o* pro o • od in anothor way, Carbohydratoa aro carbon unltod wlth wntor. Carbohydratoa lnoludo otarches and augars. Tho food tubotanco■ Inoludod lu the tors 'carbohydratoa' aupply tho body wlth enorgy.
PATS aro eon po a od of the oloiaonts of nil klnda of odible on Ina 1 and regotablo fata and olla. Tbeir apooial purpono, Hleo oorbohydratos, la to produoo onorgy, or workIng power.
PROTŁIKS aro the only fooda containing nltrogon and no othor food may bo atubati-tutod for thon. They aupply tho •ca ter lala neod od for building and r o pa lr ln r the tlssues of tho body. Tho prlnoipal aourcos of protein aro oortaln gra i na, nuta,
CRgo. flah, loan of Mat, wilk and ulik produoU, and tlie logunea (boana, poaa, lontlla).
MHERALS aro nainly linę, Iron, phosphorua and aalt.
CZLLULOSF- i a found ln frulta and In regetable fooda only. Thla irroćuet la •xtre oly lir. por tar. t bocouse of tho bulk tt ferma which atiaulatoa tho food tu be a to proper acUrlty. ftnjds high in colluloao ore groon eogotablea, frulta, ooroala oontainIng bron, graham broad, wholo whoat broad.
VITAliISS aro por ho pa tho aoat lmportant olonent nocoaaary to tho body for good hoalth* They aro a subtle eroation, and tholr absunoo in fooda ia tbo cauao of aacy •f tho alimenta to which floah ha a ihlloa holr. Thoao elomenta, ao noooaeary to Health, arc cepeoially abundant ln groon -rogotabloa and froah frulta. They aro oasily destroyed by tho eockinę and drying of fbod.