89829 netter74

89829 netter74

Hjl Circulation



Duduś arteriosus Left pulmonary artery Leń pulmonary vein

Pulmonary Superior vena cava Kight pulmonary artery Right pulmonary vein Foramen Hepatic

Duduś venosus

Hepatic portal vein Umbilical vein

Superior mesenteric artery


Vessel    Poj

Umbilical vein    80

Umbilical artery    58

Interior vena cava (below duduś veno$os) 2 Foramen ovale    67

Aorta    62

DuctUS arteriosus    52

Pulmonary artery    52

Pulmonary veins    42

Ligamenlum venosum (obliterated duduś venmus)

Ligamenlum teres (round ligament) ot liver (obliterated umbilical vein)

Medial umbilical ligaments (occluded part ot umbilical arteriesi

Figurę 4.22 Prenatal and Postnatal Circulation -

Thts figurę summari?es prenatal and postnatal cir< ulalion. Postnatally, łtłood no longer passes through the placenta but does perfuse the ungs. Consequently. prenatal shunts that delivered blood In tbe płacenia and batk to the fetus (umbilical arteries and umbilical vein) :«ecome ligaments. Likewise, shunls bypassing the liver (ductus veno-'•us.'. the right ventncle (foramen ovale>, and the pulmonary circulation (ductus arteriosus) also close, providing tor the pulmonary and systemie circulations that characleri/e the nnrmal postnatal pattern. Values on the lower left represent rclative percentages of O satura-tion of the blood at various pointsalong the fetal circulation



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