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Ingredients & Recipes







Cooking odours - removal

To stop unpleasant cooking odours from permeating throughout the entire house, boil a cup or two of vinegar in a pot on the hob. The vinegar will absorb the odours.

Other ways to pleasantly freshen the air in the kitchen are to place cloves. cinnamon sticks. allspice or another favouhte scented spice in a pot of water simmer for 1-2 hours. Alternatively. put a few slices of leftover orange or lemon rinds in a pot of water and simmer for 1-2 hours, or simply place lemon slices in an open bowl in the kitchen.

Cooking odours - pteuention

When cooking cabbage. add a few drops of vinegar to prevent the unpleasant odours in the first place. To remove the smell of burnt food, soak a towel in vinegar wring it out. and wave it around the room. You can also rub vinegar on your hands before and after slicing onions to lessen the smell.

Copper pans

To clean copper pans sprinkle the surface of the pans with coarse salt. Rub salt into the stains with the cut half of a fresh lemon. To clean copper bot-tom pans. sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt. then take a cloth damp-ened with vinegar and scour away the stains.

Countertops - grease remooal

To remove grease from countertops, clean grease with grease. Pour some oil on the grease and wipe. then put some soap on it and wipe up the remainder. Other simple ways to cut grease are to use some lemon juice, vinegar or sprinkle with borax and scrub with a scrubbing brush.

Countertops and kitchen surfaces

To clean surfaces and countertops, sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth. Wipe, then rinse with clean water.

Mix a smali amount of baking soda with liquid Castile soap to get your countertops. sinks and tubs shiny. For a "fresh smell" try adding a few drops of rosemary orange or lavender essential oils.



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