way ono slip sthohing u> ihe ccrrgspond-iag placea on ihe adjacenr motils.
Spaccs berwesn molils are soniciimes f..‘sri wlth smali morifs. mace and jolilCb in oi Ihe samo limo aa thsy aro v<c:Xed.
Joined Motifs
We show hero a lew tnotiis joic-ad in vanou$ways. The possibilities are infińilo andonlydependon łli oshspe o i liio inótif and yuur ingenyity!
Layoots insi invo!ve rnolirs fitringlogeiher along strsight ebges can fcejoined wirh o flst seam cr by wcrfcing a rów ot slip sjitch or single ciochet Ihroygh Poili edges (SCO page 12). The crcch-1 jO.ns shou’>d bo dc-nc Wtth ths right sfdea or :he motifs togerher $o Ihey will bo inwsifcie or. top lighl sice cf tho labric. Alternalively a crochst jcin cars te uaed .os a ce:o-at:vg ieaiure when worked on Ihe rigr.r sice. Spina cesigns, garticularly IhosB wi;h ohair. arclies or pccr? rpurid their odgcs, «r. bo joineti toprp'/:c<js molifs ciering ihe ooarss ot tbóir finał rcłindś. This is dnno by fnlerrupriag tftópiooisorarchosstfcslf