51 (154)

51 (154)

By Fwfih) fcbigi


14 l '2" in dumeter.


Cordonnet erochct conon su* 20. porę wbite. about 380 yds. Steel crochci hook IS sizc 9 (1.25 mm) or Sl/.h FOR GAIIGK.


2 dcd



Form Soop with ml of Ihrcad RNDS 1-9: Rcplacing first dc with 3 ch Ihrougboul. work fol-lowing poi diagram; dosc cach md with sl st in top of ch-31= First

dc). RND 10. Oi 4 tto coum as lir»l tr). work 4 ir m same sl as dosing sl si bełow. 2 ch. ik 5 sts. eon; wi:h (5 u in same nęci si. 2 ch. sk 5 sis) 23 timc»: dosc wkh si st in top of ch-4. RND 11. Rcplacmg First lr of fiest 5-lr cl with 3 ch, w ort. * 5-tr cl lusing I u in cach of 5 tr below. 7 ch. rep from * 23 limes morc; dosc with »l st in lop of First cl. RNDS 12-26: Work following pal diagram and additłoml >\ rribols    In ihc

course of working md 12. insert hook for dc in 2nd. 4ih and 6th st of ch lps as per symbol 1'ptomd 16. elose cach md same as on md I On mds 17 (o 24. rcptacc firsi dc of firsi cl on cach rod wilh 2 ch: elose Ihcsc mds with sl st in top of First cl. ROWS 27-35: Form point

wofking hacfc and forth m rows as shown. Up to row 32. rcpbce lirs! Ir of lina 2-tr cl wilh 3 ch; on rows 33 to 33. rcplace tirst dc ol' (im dc cl wilh 2 ch At cnd of raw 35. fastcn olT(see błock wcdge). For cach 5ubscc;ucn( point, RS facing altach thread wilh xl si m tr on md 26 to which whńc wcdgc point' Complete each of a loiul of 12 points in tlus way.

■ 2-trel: t*oving

!«t lp Of CJKh Sl on hook. w<yk I tr in cach of 2 sts bolow. yo and Oraw Ihcu *U 3 lps on hook


cKrsier <d»

• 5 <y. eluster <d>: lNving ist >p ol eatrt h on hcoi. wort 1 dc in eath ol 5 sts tiekiw. yo and Oraw thiu «ll 6 lps on hook


Firsi 3 roonds mcasurc I 1/4” in diamcier

k - insert hook in ch to j whicłi symbol points


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