4.5.1. Therapy for the abductor pollicis
Starting Position: P: Supine or sitting; elbow flexed approximately 90°; forearm fully pronated; wrist in neutral position. T: Standing, right side against P.
Grip: T places thenar eminence of right hand over P’s first metacarpal bonę (from dorsal side) with his fingers gripping the ulnar border of P's hand (from volar side). T’s left hand stabilizes P's forearm just above the wrist.
Fig. 53 a. Starting Position.
Procedurę: Using this grip, T gradually and maximally ulnar flexes at P’s wrist.
Stimuladon of Antagonists: T retains grip. T then asks P to move further in the direction of stretching, and resists that movement to stimulate P’s antagonists.
Notę: For maximal stretching of the abductor pollicis longus in this procedurę, T may simul-taneously fully dorsally flex at P’s wrist.
Fig. 53 b. Finał Position.