1. ANTEN NA : I his jack accepts 50 ohms coaxial cablc w ith a PI.-259 t\ pe pług.
2. DC POWER : lhis aeccpts 13.8V DC power cable with built-in fusc. The power
cord provided with the radio has a blaek and red wirc. Hic blaek goes to nęgative and red goes to positivc. Š.
3. EXT. SP : This jack aeccpts 4 to 8 ohms. 5 watts c.\ternal speaker. W hen the extemal speaker is connected to this jack. the built-in speaker will be disabled.
4. CW. KEY : This jack is for Morse CodÄ™ operation. To operatc. connect a CW Kcy to this jack and place the ModÄ™ Control in the CW position.
The rcceivcr and transmitter are conlrollcd by the push-to-talk switeh on the
mierophonc. Press the switeh and the transmitter is aetivated. relcase switeh to rcceive.
When transmitting, hołd the mierophonc two inehes from the mouth and speak clearly
in a norinal voiee. 1 his transcciver co mes complete with a Iow impcdancc dynamie
1. Be surÄ™ that power sourcc. mierophone and antenna are eonneeted to the proper conneetors before going to the nexl step.
2. Turn VOL knob eloekwise to apply power to the radio.
3. Set the V'OL for a eomfortable listening Ievcl.
4. Set the MODĘ sw iteh to the desired modę.
5. Li sten to the background noisc from the speaker. Turn the SQ knob slowly clockw isc until the noisc just disappears. The SQ i** uow properly adjusted. The reeeiver will remain quicl until a signal is aetually reeened. Do not achance the
control too far or; |
some of weaker signals will not be heard. | ||||
(». Set the C. HAN IN EL selcetor switeh to the desired ehannel. |
7. Set the RF GAIN control fully eloekwise for maxiinum RF gain.
8. Adjust the FI.NE/COARSE control to elarify the SSB/CW signals or to optimizc AM/FM signals.
1. Select the desired ehannel of transmission
2. Set the MIC GAIN control fully eloekwise.
3. 11 the ehannel is elear, depress the push-to-talk switeh on the mierophonc and speak in a normal voice.