Ihc conncctions. Kccp the cxposcd wire lcngths to a minimum to avoid shorting u hen Ihc microphonc pług is rcasscmbled.
Lin Number
l or best results. the user should sclcct a low-impcdancc dynamie typc microphone or a transistorized microphonc. Transistorizcd type microphoncs have Iow output impcdancc charactcristies. I hc microphoncs must bc provided with a four-lead cablc. The audio conductor and its shicldcd Iead comprisc two of the leads. The third lead is for transmit control and fourth is for recciving eon troi.
The microphonc should providc the funetions shown in schematie bclow.
Mie Labie l.ead
1 Audio Shield
2 Audio Lead
3 Transmit Control
4 Recehe Control
Fig. 1 Your transcciver microphone schematie.
If the microphonc to be used is providcd with prccut leads. they must bc re\ ised as follows.
1. Cut leads so that they extend 7/16" bcyond the plastic insulating jackct of the microphonc cable.
2. Ali leads should be cut to the same length. Strip the ends of eaeh wire 1/8" and tin the cxposcd wire.
Bcfore beginning the actual wiring, read carefully the circuit and wiring information proyided with the microphonc you sclcct. Use the minimum heat rcquircd in soldering