crt superstar900ït manual (17) wm

crt superstar900ït manual (17) wm

Fig. 3 Microphonc pług pin numbcrs vie\ved 1'rom rear of pin rc cc piacie.

thc back of thc pług. Bcforc soldering thc wirc lo the pins. pre-tin thc wirc receptacle of eacli pin of thc pług.

CRT FRANCE - Route de Pagny -21250 SEURRE declare that this equipment CRT SS 3900 EFT is in correspondence with the main part of the conditions and the other provisions in touch with the directive of R. TTE 1999/5/CE.


6.    Be surc that thc housing and the knurÅ‚cd ring of FigurÄ™ 2 arc pushcd back onlo thc microphonc cable bcforc start i ng to solder. If thc washcr is not captivc to thc pin receptacle body. make surc that il is placcd on thc threadcd portion of thc pin receptacle body bcforc soldering,

7.    If thc microphonc jack is uscd to hoÅ‚d thc pin receptacle during soldering operation. best rcsults are obtaincd u hen thc connections to pin 1 and 3 arc madc First and then the connections to pins 2 and 4. Usc a minimum amounl of soldering and be earcful to pievcnt e\ecssivc solder accumulation on pins. which could causc a short bctwccn thc pin and thc microphonc pÅ‚ug housing.

8. Whcn all soldering connections lo thc pins of thc microphonc arc complctcd. push thc knurlcd ring and thc housing forward and screw the housing onto the threadcd portion of thc pin receptacle bod\. NotÄ™ thc location of the screw elearancc hole in the pÅ‚ug housing with respeet to the threadcd hole in the pin receptacle body. Whcn thc housing is complctcly threadcd into the pin receptacle body. a finaÅ‚ fraction of a tum either clockwisc or countcrclockwisc may bc requircd to align the serów hole with the threadcd hole in thc pin receptacle body. Whcn thcsc are aligned. thc retaining screw is then serewed into place to sccure the housing to thc pin receptacle body.

9.    The two cable clamp re tai ner screws should no w be tightcncd to sccure thc housing to thc microphonc cord. If thc cutting dircctions have bccn carcfully followed. the cable clamp should sccure to thc insulation jackct of thc microphonc cable.

10.    IJpon complction of thc microphonc pÅ‚ug wiring. conncct and sccure thc microphonc pÅ‚ug in thc transeeivcr.


Tbts materia! is imported and disiributed in EuropÄ™ by.


Route cle Pagny - 21250 SEURRE - FRANCE

Capital 762 500 euro*

Tćl. +33 (0)3 HO 26 91 91 - Fax : +33 (0>3 HO 26 91 00 E-mail : .supcrstar® Web sitc :





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