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DSC07938 (2)


Vi stula vallev bettueen the outlots oj Dunajec and Bteń 103

-ePe-* the




pUse l by

I in-

pore the 17 — the VTa-


^ola Rogowska    %upłec 20


% Wojcina


Słupiec 3

Fig. 8. Percentage variations in Vistula gravels compositions as a function of size


1 — quartz clasts; 2 — flysch sandstone. clasts; 3 — flint clasts and siliclfied limestone clasts; 4 — igneous and metamorphic clasts; 5 — lydite, flysch chert and ąuartzite clasts;

6 lj|l other clasts

niów A, Fig. 8 — Ujście Dunajeckie, Szczucin). That particular deposi-tion of coal pieces is related to the ratio of its density versus that of the remaining materiał what is presented in details by Rutkowski (in press).



The middle terrace constitutes the highest terrace level in the val-ley bottom of a very complicated structure. The higher patches are stri-king features of its relief. That one located in the interbasin areas of the Vistula and Breń rivers is called Garb Szczuciński by Starkel (1972). The remaining ones extend along the peripheral parts of the valley. These patches, imcluding even the higher one in the area of Olesno, rise tp the height of 8—10 m above the Vistula channel and 1—4 m above the overflood terrace. The patches in ąuestion are separated by slightly recessed (1—2 m), fiat and fragmentarily water-logged depressions which


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