


Ruth Dickinson and Kim Stokes both design a delightful bear called Sweet Pea, which will you make first?

Sworl p*a by Ruth Dkklm*n


W rutr* t3rrmpł*

HarO dy*d rrohar 20om wjw uVasu*d>

I p*< 8mm btack gasa *y*t

1    part »rrm colt*<pn |©n» <<• w*ad

2    pa*i 44 rrm cott*rpn (ontt tor


2 pan 50rrm eołtwpn yomta for JłWir.J thtttd to WU W*h lkt<<


P*r1» or »rrtre*3*fy ttuad ter not* Stron? thmad te* tinthmg worro and attacfcng •» aro ayw

po*>*?*' IOr.? acęro* 200? tfaw t*arfc approa 200? ptaatr: p*t*«

SVp by %t»p

1 Pt»C* tU pa!f«tn p»C«t OrtO

IU monar. rroio; wy* thał tu arrow rrnrtjr«jt tcOcw •.'* pf* •SłKton Do a a'ou-0 tu p«*s aro trar.yfar *1 th* marfcrgj tor prtt aro ep*r«ogs Cm out tu pi»c*4 caratu* to trat you ody out thrcusfi tu backng łatoc aro net tu p*»

Cut cm tri* paw pa* trem tu mtrawMd*

2 Tnm awny aoout 3mm ot tu pte f tom arou-O tu «dg« c* *ach p«ca a-o «o ra pł» trem th* sd* Uad and guiMt P*c*t Pn ano mw th* sd* Uad piec**. tog*th*r dowt th* tront ot tU not*, fiom A to 8

2 Pin th* h*»d gutMt m pi®». tatng Car* to match tu rrutfcngt aro contr* front CC gusMl wfh C*rrtr* Mam

co tu Uad Usng a ««'* thr*»3 t*w th* gussat mptac*

I r*co.-rm*nd tMchmg a»-rvj

aett*p«<*tc< tu b*ar tw« to łTO/r* Jtrong t*amt

4$«wtu body darta aro tf>»n pr> th* fcoy ;•■«*•, togith** and Mwaroondlttm C to 0 Pr. arO

MW th* pwr pa* to tt* nur armp*»t-f to f l«wt po aro a-m th* 0Ut*r aro out arm

p*C*tt<0*thK barngagap «h*r» rrorkad

* PrifUear p«*t tegothar

miotom and

mw. kart-/? a gap. agam wh*» marud Snp th* coturt ot tu <ort t*tcr« turtm? n?ht -.O) out. at thrt ma gn* a n*at*r t.rrth totr* *art Pm and tMcMsg prac«t tog*tUt barn? th* lcw*r edg* cp*n ano a gap » marfc*d on tu patt«m

O Pn ano mw tu lootpadim pt»:*. takm? ca* to maSch marfcmga I •Kcmrund Mwog tU» n by hand to •ntm* an own tmoh to bc»h padł Tum aa p*c»t rgr< «j* out

7Stutt th* hładfrrrty v<ahpoty*tt*r tiłnj. umg ony v»ry trroS arcuntj at a t.m* and mouk»r>? th* h**3 tUp* w«h yomf.rgt-rtandthonbtatyouga Fmeb ttmtng w*hm I cm ot tP* r*ct *0?*

Ut*v? ttrong thoad rvn a doubł* row CA tunr.rg «łch*t yocrd tU nect «o?». nMrt tU 30rrm cott«rpm y>*( and pgll thr*ad tghty T*ottM<ur*y and bury tu «ndt m tU Uad

O ibmg *A*r reund r*a0«0 pnt ot •poBton «y*i‘ «(*«« wUr* you want tU«y*!tot>» T»k«adtubie torgth ot «torg trr*ad arO trr«ad * thrcrjgh th* loep ot an *y* and knot * onto tU WOP t*M. rnatng- J* |h* th* ttrea* ar* Wv*l PapMt. tor tU MCOnl *y»

TN*ad OT* «y* cn-fo a wng dOVr.at*r-, u«d!*. mafc* a try hob »4h a brałant m ou *y» poMcn. rorronr.? tu po aa you do to Puth tU u*db ttroogh tu rot* aro out dogonaty to tu bat* ot tu UC* »*p**t tor tu MeorO *y«-d>ng omtoth*oppom*to«

9 Yoi thow r<vr hw* 4 alrandt Ot thr*ad tor *ach «y« Wothng en om *y* at a lim*. thr**J 2 tfranda ento a n**dl» ar-} rnł* a v*ty tmal strtch Oma to wh«ra you cam* out R*rroi*fiom n*«dl* and takmg thCU 2 ttr*a« r> CU

58 TfMv8lw . ; iWPłwrr.NA ocroen


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