Pater Benjamin Parker
Freoiance photographer, science
New York City
Peter Parkers parents died in a piane crash while lic was still a child.When tlicy said goodbye at the airporc, his parents told hini to be a good boy for his Aunt iVlay and Uncle Ben Parker, who later raiscd him as
Amozing Fantasy # 15 (August 1962)
Possmmws tho pfoportlonale stwflth, speod. og*ty and non©x»« oi n spidor Can cirg lo i#ty surtace and genarato organie wobbing.
Atoo posseasee a ’8{wtef-9crwo' thnt wams Nm oI dangw and can psytlłcaty aftgn »wn wtm tw onvtronmen» Inyonted spider traceni ttmt Ihj can trock neross tho a ty with hto spider-sense.
Jana Poikor. Copialn Amorica. Tho Avongcrs. the Parnasie Four. ti* X-Men. Eugenii flash' lhompeon, Bnity Brani Leeds.
FOES r-.inieJeon. Vu»i »*• Doctor Octopus. Sandrnan Kkigpłn. Green Gobin, UrłirrJ, Electro. Kiavtm tho Hunter, Black Cal. \Aancm. k^stono. Camago. Scner. Juda? Trjiveter
On the day his lito oh.inged t’orcver. Heter went to .1 science exhibition by himsclł* where he was buten by .1 cominon house spider th.it had been exposed to .1 massive dose of radiation. R/t&J Witliin .» few hours. Heter dist overed W/
th.it lie could stu k to walls and h.ul ST i
Anxious to easli in 011 his ncw piAuis he deMgned .1
costiinic th.it coneealed his identitv,
Wtido altcndmg a soenlific demorottralion. Peter Parker was bitum t»y n sfuder that Itaci boen espoaed to rodoactMty. Footng nausoous. the teenager rnmettrtłtiły tteaded homo and bogiń to ortubrt tho most omoing powors- Wco tho abUty to allck to walls and crawl up slww surtaces!
Peter las begtn to »j«***1 Ititil l*s powors mery bo tho rosult ot paranormal foroes.
H.irkcr did nothmg V and the burghr ft 1 escaped.
A t e w days liter the sanie thier nnmlcred PctefA | Uncle Hen! Hilled^it remorse. Heter vowed that he wowld nevcr nilów another
Innoc ent person to sufler becau.sc Spidcr-M.m h.ul failed to net. He had learncd, in
the h.irdcst possible wav, to usc his. gR*atf pow ors in a rcsponsiblc m.inncr. ;^;
| | |
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Spktor Man lanyles wflh Doctor Octopus atx>ve the streets oi Manhattan
High-School Hero
Spider-Man soon found himself battling criminals such as the Chameleon. chcVu.TUKE, Doctor Octopus, the Sandman, Docior Doom. the Lizard. Hi fctro. Mysi lrio, the CiREFN Cioblin, the Scorpion. and many mon:. Ile attemptcd tojoin the Fantastic Four and bcgun a fcud with the HumanTorch.
J.Jonah Jameson, publishcr of the Daily Bugle, hatcd maskcd vigilamcs and claimed Spider-Man was aaunace to the public. Peter saw an opportunity to exploit Jameson s campaign and began tnking pictures ofhimsclfas Spider-Man. Ile was soon supportmg himself by selling thesc pictures to the linglc on a frcelance basis.
Peter cventually graduated front Midtown High with the highest scholastic average in the schools bisiory. However. he almost missed the graduauon eeremony. Whilc the other senior* werc dohnmg caps and gowns. he was busy battling the Moi fen Man. I Ic won his tight and arrived at the eeremony just in timc to learn th.it he nad won a fuli scholarship to Hmpire State University.
• Amazing Spider-Man *31-33 Spider-Man bottlos II -Master Planmy In <ydo» to obłain a rare serun that can snve Aunt May£ lito.
• Amazing Spider-Man: Feariul Symmetry or Kravon's Last Hunt (tpb) K/avon tho Hunter tocJnaps Spktor Man and take his place in a botflo agartst the deadly Uormn.
• Amazing Spider-Man: Tho Saga of tho Alton Costumo (tpb) Spidor Mar learns tlwt l»s naw biack
costume ts actuaHy an alion symbiote. i • Amazing Spider-Man vs. Vonom (tpb) Swcfer-M -| moots ha rJHtch when Menom onlors his Ko.
I • Amazing Spider-Man: Identity Crisis (tpb) >Vhon ' a $5 miion bounty s ptoced on las Iwad tor a murdor he dklnl comma. Spidor Man musi ado()t lwa- new costumod Ktontiias to find tho roal murderor • Amazing Spider-Man: Corning Home (tpb) meets tho man carod ŁtełoHi and leams there may bo a lot mora to his onęjn than ho ovor rook/ad
spider. Aitcr returning to hi-human form. Peter learned that his powors and strength had been inereased and that he had gained the abilics' to produce organie webbing. Peter also joined a new Avlnc.i rs team.
Aitcr a battlc with the mysterious. super-strong.
yillain Morimi, in
Further Developments
After leading a F.uropean crime cult for nuny years, Norman Osborn reentered Peters lite. Peter also met a man called Ezekiel who claimed that Spidcr-Mans powers were the result of magie and not a radioactivc spider. Peter Inter confronted the Quecn. who lud the power to control insccts and she mutated him into a giant
(his girlfriend for a whilc). and the criminals I Iydko-Man.Speed Demon and the Hobcoblin. 1 Ic also hattled the unstoppable Juggf.rnaut and cosmically-powercd Firelord. He tcmporarily donned a new biack costume that possessed sonie addirional new powers. but latcr proved to be an alien symbiote. Meanwhile, his relationship with the beaunful model Mary Janc Wacson had grown serious and they wca* married.
which Peter appeared to have M \ f I | 1 been killed. Peter tcmporarily aceeptcd a new armored costume ant! a job working for Tony Stark (scc Iron Man). Howcut he bas sińce returned to his tr.uhtion.il look. TD
Whilc >n college. Peter met Marv J.me.Watsony his futurę wite. itr P Ml ker. Mary jANHibut :.in to datę CSwen Siacy, (fiwen wouffl latcr lu- tragicałly ąt the hahds of (hi:Cireen Goblin.) Peter became best friemls with Harfy Osborn ^ nd latcr learned that theLlRTLNjGuiu ir^ was retly Harry b fatber Norm.inbSpider-Man aNo * ountered such vill.uns as Kinc.pin. the Klubo, tłu Shck KER.SnvkR.MANL and the Pkowifr.
\itcr graduatmg from college. Peter • 'untered the acrobatic cat burglar Bla< k (’at
AJong with other heroes, Spider-Man was transported to a planet created by a near-ornnipotent being called the Beyonocr and forced to fight in a senes of “Secret Wars". When his ongtnal red and biue costume was tom In battle. the web-spinner tried to repair it, but mistakenfy actnrated a device that reieased a little biack bali. The bali spread across him, duplicating the costume wom by the Julia Carpenter Spioer-Wouan.
Spider-Man s new suit coukJ instantty mimie any kind of clothing, coufd carry his camera and spare change, was eguipped with its own web-shooters and possessed a seemingły endless suppty of webbing. He eventua!ty discovered that the alien suit was a symbiote with a mind of its own. Spider-Man had to enlist the sdentiftc help of Mr. Fantastk to remove it. using soundwaves at a certain freguency.