Ekctrical & Computer Engineering: An International Journal (ECU) Volume3. Number i June 2014

P'l ltlttis thcshort term cmcrgcncy rating of the linc 118). Duc to optiiu.il power 1'low in the linc. the transmission usage oost to users is givcn as follows 118):


Total transmission losscost to users is givcn as follows:

I Fi




3. Distribution Factors

During outage. the power llow in a linc is di Herc nt 1'rom that ol" normal conditions. The LODF is dclincd as the redistribution ol" the particular generation after an outage. Thus. Linc Outage Distribution Factor is dclincd as the ratio of differencc ol" the power llow in the linc / a (ter an outage in the linc m and the normal power flow i n the linc >n to that ot" normal power flow in the linc i whcrcas MLODF is the ratio of differencc in the power flow in the linc i after an outage in the lilie m and the normal power flow in the linc m to that of maximum power llow in the linc i after an outage. The LODF is givcn by:



(P -P )

LODF = C >Jmp PJ.>P,\

The MLODF is gi vcn as:

[P -P )

MLODF =    -— P,„>P,)

For loss allocation. abovc two factors arc modilied as follows:

The MLOLDF is givcn as:

LOLDF = [    Pl, „ > PI,)

MLOLDF =    Plin > PI,}




Linc Outage Loss Distribution Factor is defined as the ratio of dillcrcncc of the power loss in the lilie i after an outage in the linc m and the normal power loss in the linc m to that of normal power loss in the linc r whcrcas MLODF is the ratio ofdillcrcncc in the power loss in the linc after an outage in the linc m and the normal power lass in the linc m to that of maximum power loss in the linc i altcran outage. Aiter calculating the distribution factors. maximum lossofcach linc is calculatcd using Fq. (24) and then the losscost isallocatcd by using Fq. (17).

pl _ linefr w = pl _linei + LOLDF w * pl _ linem    <—)

pl _ linęfi ni = pl _line' + MLOLDF^ * pl _lineM    <23)



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