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Krótki artykut.

□ Czy słyszał ktoś o nagrodzie Ig Nobel?

Ig Nobel — a dream come true

IKt Fndey I >» honom) moi ttw Ig Nobrt nwd m mrdutne tor a paper that Rebetta Waber. fly Car mon, baba Ster and I wrote on the eftects ct &fcoi*xs on the tttiacy ot placebo pan meOeations We Macały ahowed that nhen druga are tocounted tftey jual dont woritaawea We atao tned to make the port that ttas twac eftect oł enpectaoona naght Jtco be the reason ttw* proptr Just dont enpenence ęenenc druga to be aa eftectrre aa brand name merhcations.

The ceremony. and the "be* Ig hobet eapenence «*eł. nas ornat. I firat attended ths eyent 12 yeara ago dunng my laat year as a FhD student and 1 to*ed « Thet year Robert Matthews non the awd ei phyaica for ahowng why bread ahrays inK wmh the butter aide down B nas a nery aophotawted paper on the ney objecta MCh uneven meight (hatntKJtton tal. but the fact that he phrased it in this odd and fawatar ney ma mapmng to me Aftrr aeeng thn paper. I noped that one day I nould be at*e to do research that w aa rrorthy of ttaa award. and finały after many yeara of tryłng I madę *t

The funny guy who handed me the award ms Francie Fesnarr nho ■on the Ig laobef award e> Medone a fen yeara ago. I am poabng an internet* v*h lam but be named-it is atmost Rated R


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