Max. Marks : 60 Time : 2 hrs

DTSS / FY Sem - II / 2013 / Maths & Stat. !j-»n

N.B. 1) Attempt any 2 ąuestions from Section I and 3 from Section II.

2)    Figures to the right indicate marks.

3)    Use of simple calculators is allowed.

4)    Graph papers will be supplied on reąuest.


Q.l. (a) The cost of manufacturing x items of a product is given by C = 2x2 + 3x + 10. Find the total cost, average cost, marginal cost and the marginal average cost if 10 items are manufactured?    (4)

(b)    The supply function is s = p2 - 2p + 2, where p in thousands and s

is in tons. Find (i) the supply when price is 5, (ii) the price when supplyislO.    (4)

(c)    Find ^ (i) y = x3 + ^ , (ii) y = {x + 2)e*.    (4)

Q.2. (a)



P + 6

The demand D when the price is P is given by D = p'~~2 * Find the

ratę of change of demand when the price is 4.    (4)

The demand function p in terms of ąuantity demanded (D) is given by p = 30 + 12D - 4D2. Find total revenue, average revenue and marginal revenue when the demand is 4 units.    (4)

Find ^ (i) y = (2x3) + (109Vx) (ii) y = e* + x“3.    (4)

Q.3.    (a) A simple interest of ? 3,240 is received after 3 years on a certain

Principal at the ratę of 9% per annum. How much simple interest will be obtained after 5% years from the same principle at the ratę of 7% p.a.?    (4)

(b)    Find the amount and the compound interest on ? 1,500 for 4 years

at 12% calculated on yearly basis.    (4)

(c)    Harsha opened a recurring deposit in a bank for 4 years with

payments of ? 5,000, paid at the end of each year. Find the money obtained at the end of period with 6% p.a.    (4)


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