\nnex 3
Tro: p 1 ntlon ?th# DVł#
of tle ©od* rweonge roceiw.d froe: Jol ind on j!5rreh
To; rlr.y ird?tęr ?*|teoV jcsyt;
Fofhclnr thr re rrt. r^-relyed frc- ;voi r>11*. ropr^rd to the .•. -'*et*otnlfl Trnie hy Irino minister Churchill to th* lollsh ‘ ' OoTBPnr-OTit; v 10 2
.[>> Jk r 4’«
V V»> nrre-p to the ro osed ’ retom 'boundrrlee m’ /olcorae tfcc pledrre ot* mnorlup the Conpaaa.
2/ V7« do not rrroe i.© the ;Jo'iit treotment f th* rrohłeci of
t.h© hetero bocndRrtee and thot of the drutem front!er©#
As rep-rd# thr ttortern terrltory, lt c nnet r©?loeo t.h© loco of the Cnetero t©rrłtorie©# tx*e*u©© it? coosim to o‘n»d vould nean only tfce return of territories of ?nlcU we had baon ro*bv©d.
3/ -e «r© in fmrour of enterln* lato diecuiłeloiw cith the Sowiet Orvrmnont w?th the i>fvtiOlr>&tlon of the M3199, nltjiag rt the reetoretim: of dipler.otle r^lntiona v\th the fryiet Tfnirn# rowiled thet th© ! oviot ftoy^rnFaent ciii reepect our ecYorri^nty nnd clii rofrnin frr.n Interferinr in ©ur internnl r>f >iro*
V "•'© ob,3©ct f\nsly to «ły dlBCueelcn© v1th the Sowiet* w th r*?rr?rd to the rwteion of Mio • etem hound^rie®* o stor.d by the *nvlol*blllty of the frostler© ne »et*.l©d V th# Treety of p«ga# ^<e:; r?*e alifTMkS "leo by the nepreeentetivee of the Ukraina# v,> do 50 boeru®# the S©viet do tiot cant narely fror.tier reedt.©tlenie• l-et «# t!v !>*nz' r Cerrtdor wea not the r*-l objeetlwe of the OtmsFrui, hut rlr nga-luft the eoveret;mty end mte^rity rf l ols^nd#
5/ T^oao# In couia undorat^nd why olmd I# to ny tlte
r>orl«t® 4.he coats of cor with hrr trppunrtee -tid hor ndrpcmdrnec AM no ono crcmtd u»4 rat ni cliy otnnd tvent tr wnr pgcinat 0<?rn-> y rmd ic wojrlng tt for t te flfth yenr. \ olend wraa t-ho-fir®t to op^oao tho Ć^vnm •nvr>|rxcf ort only in defonec of ^o^ lM0r»cnrl*meo >>ut lao in drfanco of thr tM&on of >uro o. *he v;re oolled the lrar ir^tion of the orld* "ym no», <i: p ite of cnrrnrnr Br.ęr1fJcea, tho TolleJi people nro decld«d tc ifrht nprinct th© nov- ' oylet ^rrreMion n defeijca of their own
09 1WA for frooOoa of Europę.- Ifc?uroli6;^ -411 n* tlon truate thot the Allieo rnd the ^ropjcr of the aorld will
ur.drretnnd their nUitudo ond will awpport it nctlv? ly#