E**tem Europo Socjologie*! (Contd)

Eastera Europa Socjologie*! (Contd)

lapecta of th* Srolution of th* Ramanjan Popo-lation, by M, ftłlgaru, 8 pp.

RDHAHIAN, par, Natura (Oaocr    Bu

Tiwly Problenm of Public Bducatlon Policy, by Jeno Lugoaay, 12 PP-HUNCARIAN, per, Kozpevele»j No 17; o 3ep. 1967; PP 641-645.

jpps 43615

Social Conflicts ln loduatriel Plant*, by Andraa Hegedue and Tama* Rorgonyi, 12 pp. HUKGARIAN, p«r, V*lo»*a. Ko. 12, 1967, Budapeet, pp. 32-41 JPRS 44,170 5, Sep-Oot 1967. PP JPRS 43961

Som# Conaldaratlona of Urbanltatlon ln Rumania, by V. Cucu, 9 pp.

RUMANIAM, par. Matura--Sari* Geografla Gaologie. No. 6, Bucharaat, Juna 67, pp. 14-21.

JPRS 44,164

Naw National Statlatloa on Aloobollai, by Krystyn* Droad, Andrzej Hrooeek, 8 pp.

POLISS, par, Łlarunłd. No 46, 12 Nor 1967, pp 1 and 7*

JPRS 43961

Sta lew Oode oa Crladmel •e U pp.

IBaka of Rural Houecedree' Clrcla# and Agrlcultural Clrolaa, by thlriT Michna, U pp. POLISH, par, Vfl.ee tfapolciaea*. No 11. Not 196?. PP 65-72.

JPRS 43688

Sclentlflc Management and Management Science, by Dr. Valtar Roman, 8 pp.

RlTMANlAN, por, Conteaporanul. No. 50, Bucharaat, 15 Dec 67, pp. 1,9.

JPRS 44,125

The Social Influenca of Televlaion, By O. Barlogea, at al., 15 pp.

RUMAN1AN, par, Lupta da Claaa. Vol 47,

■o. 10, Bucharaat, Oct 67, pp. 75-83.

JPRS 44,123

Reactlona to Televialon Prograca, by Alina Popovici, 7 pp*    „    .

HJMANIAN, np; M»>nc*, No 6203, 22 Oct 1967,

P 3*


Kffaot* of Terrltorlel Addniatratlra Organi-MtŁoa on Health Cara, hf H. Aldaa, 6 pp. nUSZAN, par, Maacitoral Sani tar. Bo 46, 15 *»▼ 1967. pp 1.™

JPM 43763

Orgeniaation and Punctlone of Stata Health Inapactorataa, 6 pp.

IWUNIAH, par, HłinU»n>l SanlUr. Ko. 49, Bucharaat, 6 Dac 67, p. 3.

JfM U, 164

Mora Adv*nced Bconomica Curriculum ln Hlghar Education, by M.A. Łupu, 12 pp.

RUHAK1AN, par, Problem# Bcooomlca, Vol. 20, No. 10, Bucharaat, Oct 67, pp. 68-76.

JPRS 43,823

Hypotheaea on the Eyolution of the Birth Rato ln Riunaaia Up to 1980, by V. Ghetau,

10 pp.

HJMAKIAN, per, Rerlata de Statlatlca. No 9, Sept 1967, PP 69-71-JPRS 43615

Review of a Book Sntitled "The Work Force ln the Rumanlan Soclallat Repuolic. A Collec tloa of Statlstical Data", by D. Haeigan,

9    PP-

HUMANIAN, per, Ręyjata de Statlatlca, No 9, Sept 1967, pp 92-96.

JPRS 43615

Soaa Prohlama Ralatlng to the PerfeotdLac of the BdaoaUoaal Syatam, by Mirjana Kretlnlo,

10    pp.


No 9. Sap 1967, pp 4tfT JPRS 43763

The Ratlo Batmaas Módl--------

ia Baalth latahllahmecta la IhfoalaTia, by Sara KHoaarlo, Predrec Dorljanio, 14 pp, antBo-carunAN, per, “    “

* 9. Sap 1967, pp 4;

JPRS 43763

Freeeedtaga, by Boelder

CS0AZZAI, per.

* 9. Sap 1967. pp 44;

JPRS 43763

The Codę on Crlmlnal Proceadlnga, 169 pp. SOJO-(20*11 AM, per, lluabenl Łlat WRJ. Ho. 50. Selgrede, 13 Dec 67, pp. 1117-1171 JTR1 44,164



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