Scientific Chemistry (Contd)

Scientific Chenlstry (Contd)

Fwdanentals of Quantitative Theory of Organia Reactions, by V. A. Pai'm.

RUSSIAN, bk, Osnoyy Kolichestvcnnoi Teoriy Organlcheskikh keaktsiy,

Plenum Press    ~~

Utlllsatlon of Cobalt aa a Fertiliaer for Mah Ponda, by V, V. Karał akii, R. V. Krynora. RUSSIAN, par, ftrtnoa Kbot, Yol 42, Ho 7. 1966, PP 25-27.

Dept of Interior

Bureau of Oonrolal Maharlee

Branoh of Forelgn Flaherlea

i Naw Rar Materiał for the Produotton of Sodlurn Alginate, by A. Taapto.

RUSSIAN, par, Rybroa Khoa. Yoł 42, Mo 7. 1966,

pp 65-66.

Oapt of Intarlor

Baretu of Ooonerdal Maheriee

Branoh of Forelgn Maherlei

The Study of the Electrolytic Properties of NaCl and KC1 Solutions in Steaa of High and Spercritical Paraneters by the Electrical Conducivity Measurement Method, by Z. S. Belova, B. P. Golubev.

RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Mosk Energ Inst, Yol 48,

1963, pp 211-215;


Distritution of Ałcohol and its Ęy-Products ln an Indirect Action Rectifying Colunn, by V, G, Artyukhoy A A. S. Egorov.

RUSSIAN, per, Tr. Ukr. nauch.-lssi.ud. Inst. ąplr, 1 lik. vod. prom.. Vol 7, 19o2. pp **1-54.

;.TX Rofi RTS 40Ó9

Titrinotric Jiethod for the Detemination of Glucose Using Glucose Cbddase, by II, V. Pokrovskaya RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Vses,_ n*uch,-lss\edr Insi, pjv. vln, prom,. 1965. pp 66-75*

NLL Ref i RTS 4104

The Applicability of Thin-Layer Electrodes for tho Study of Oxidation-Rcduction Systems, by !*• S. Zokharevskii & K. M. Yasilenko,

RUSSIAN, per, Uchenye zapiski Leningrad gosudarst. unly, Ser, khin, nauk, Yol 13. 1959. op 48-56.

NLL Refi RTS 4013

The Łabo r a tory for Antiblotloa and Ktarobtology Chenga la Mi ero flora During Cold Sto ragę of Flah, by Ł. V. Smołlna.

KUSSZAH, par, Soi

or intarlor Boraaa or Oomtroial Maharlea Branoh of Fbradgn Flaherlea

Deaellnacioo of -'eter and Ita laportance for the Heter Supply of Koral Fopulated Placet of the Uabek $88, by D.G. Antom and l.S. Oetrovekiy, 7 pp.

RUSSIAN, Journal, StroUel'l*YO 1 Arkhltektyrt Uabehleune. Taahkeot, No. 9, Sept. 67, pp. 25-27.

JPRS 43,837

Theraal Distillation of Saa Water. (Fuidaoentals of the Theory of Marina Evaporators), by V. F. Kovalenko.

RUSSIAN, bk, Totnlchaikot Ctoretntnia Mon koi



KLootrloal CbnAotirity of Bolid Gzidea. Fart XX, Lafitham OMde-Caldlaa 0x1 de Syetm, ly S.

F, Fal'guyarr, 2. S. Nolohankora.

RKOlil, por,

USe of the Sinilarity Theory in the G; Method of Deteraining Density, by V. A. Artzibashey.

RUSSIAN, par, Vop Rud Gaofił, Gos Geol Koa SSSR. No 5, 1965, pp 88-9$.


Aerosol Traateent, hj A. Laakin, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, par, Zaahchlta Rar*-«- -♦ l Boleaney, Mo 6. 1965, pp


Internal Conversion Coefficients of Radiation in the K and t Shell*, by L. A. Sllv, 1. B. Sand.

RUSSIAN, par, Zh Ekip Taor Fit. Vol 31, I9S6, pp 134-136.


Kinetics of Coabustion of A, Si and S ln Mol ten Fa, by A. M. S anarin.

RUSSIAN, par, Zh Tli Khie. Yol 22, 1941, pp S6S-S74.





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