Scientific Chemlstry (Contd)

Scientific Cheaistry (Contd)

Desulfurization of Flue Gases Inporatance and Practical Possibilities, by F. Johswich. GERMAN, per, Brennat-Waerae-Kraft, Vol 14, 1962, pp 105-TI31 AEC-ANL-Trans-520

The Solubility of Carbon in Molybdenum, Tungsten and Khenium, by Erich Gebhardt.

GERMAN, per, Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, Vol 57, 1966, pp 732-7331 •NASA TT F-11,550

The Punping Speed for Carbon Dioxide by the Action of o Surface Cooled by Liquid Nitrogen, by Georg Saenger.

GERMAN, rpt, Deutsche Yersuchsanstalt fur Luft-und Raumfahrt E. V., Institut fur Rauasimulation, Jul 1967, 28 pp.

•NASA TT F-11,547

The Detection of Defined Reversible Associations of Acridine Orange by Absorption and Fluorescence Measure%emts in Aąueous Solution, by Yalentin Zanker.

GERMAN, per, Zeut Phys Chcn, Vol 199, 1952, pp 225-258.


Ternary Oxides of 3 - 7 Yalent Technetiian with Alkalies, by B. Kanałlakopulog.

GERMAN, rpt, KFK-197. Feb 1964, 67 pp.


Polyoxides of Four and Sev4n Valent Tehcnetium with Alkaline Earths, by M. Wassilopulos. GERMAN, rft. KFK-341. July 1965.


On the Uranium-Hydrogen 8ystera and the Kinetics of Uraniura Hydride Formation, by E. Wicka and KI. Otto, 39 pp.

GEBMAN, per, 2. Phys. Cbea. Yol 31, 1962,

pp 222-21*8.

P9HLO8867 AEC U-TR-67-82

Acideaetroc Determination of Free Acid and Uranim in Nitric Acid Solutions in the Pressence of Plutcnim IV. by D. Thiela,

W, Baehr.

GERMAN, rpt, KFK.-5Q3f 13 pp.


The Scadiuo-Carbm System, Rpt No 1, by H. Rassaerts.

GERMAN, per, Monatsh (hen. Vol 98, 1967, pp 460-468.


Indication Assessment and Dosimetry in Endolyą>h-atic Therapy with I151-Lipiodol, by K. zua Winka 1.

GERMAN, per, Strahlentbenrie. Vol 133, 1967, pp 48)-498.


Yoltammetry of Nitrite-Ion in Alkaline Intrate Melts. The System N02/NO2, by Giuseppe Giorgio Boobi, Riccardo Freddi.

ITALIAN, per, Ann Chim. Yol 56, 1966, pp 759-766.

AEC-AI-Trans-2S6 Furfuryl Alcohol Realns

I. Initlal Conden3ation Products of Furfuryl Alcohol, by Y. Hachihaaa and T. Shono, 6 pp. JAPANEBE, per. Kogyo Kajaku Ząaahi, Yol 55, 1952, PP 260-2ĆĆ1 P9U387667 AK LA-TR-67-83

Furfuryl Alcohol Realna 3, Re action of Furfuryl Alcohol vith MaJLelc Anhydride, by T. Bhono and Y. RacŁlhaaa, 8 pp. JAPANES8, per, Kogyo Kagaku Zaaahl, Vol 56, 1953, PP 259-261,


AK LA-TR-67-85

Average Molacular Weight and Rooo-Teaperature Curlng of tha Precondanaata, by T. Shono and Y. Hachlhaaa, 7 PP*

JAPANEBE, par, Kogyo Ktaaku Zaaahl, Yol *6,

1953* PP 72^?2~


AK LA-TR-67-86

Diasociation Voltaga, Liniting Currant Danlsty and r.onductivity of Aluaima Chlori de Centa! n Ing Malta, by II, Grcthar.

GEMAN, par. Zalt Elektrochem. Yol 53, 1949,

pp 363-369. -


iUuiuoI Report of the Japunose Assoclntion for uauiatlon Uosoarch on Polyuors. 240 pp. JAPAńESE, par, .»iin>on tloahason »ol>uni.il kankyu •.yoKui .«oapo, Yol V, 1965-iik>6. WppMSlołi-Y Ai;C«tr-69Óo


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