
Romę was che cradle of grooming pracbces. As Plato w rotę - a woman without paint was lilcc food without salt. So Roman womcn loved cos-meocs and used cyeshadows, powders, lip tmts and burnt cork to painc thcir lashes. The Romans wue particularly famous for their baths with caring treacmencs for the body, mind and spirit. The pracóces induded body massages, scrubs and other physical therapies. They used ńch oils and applied them to the skin to kecp it attncnrc, radiant and healthy. The Romans are also said to have taken mud baths with crocodile excre-mcnt. Sheep fat and blood were used to polish fingernails The Romans knew how to combat pimples with the help of batley flour and buttei. They are also belicvcd to be the first to inttoducc the word “perfomc". "Per” is Ladn for “through”, and “fumum" means ‘'smoke”; the reicase of aromacie materiał through burning.

Middle Ages

In those times piany pcopJc regarded cosmedcs as harmful products bclicving that they would błock arculation. Yct, it was also the epoch m which the woman and her beauty werc put on a pedestal and adoied by poets, philosophets and knights. In such drcumstances women had a special reason for sdf-grooming. The beauty icon was a słim, dclicatc woman with kmg, blondc hair and blue eyes. A pale face with a high fotehead and lincd cyebrows was a must. It was compared by poets to milk and snów. Whitc skin indicated the status in the sodety. So womcn avoid«d the sun and used many ingredients to achieve a whiter tonę of the skin. They put on theu faces egg whites and deaned the skin with mtlk. They prepared masks with flour and carbonatc lead. To have a whitc, pale face women also worc egg whites over their faces and slcpt with slices of raw beef on their faces to get rid of wrinkles. Rain water was also regarded as the best cosmeoc to dean the skin. Women paint-ed lips with snake blood which also combated breath odour. Another method was to put iaurd leaf under tongue. In Engiand, Queen Elizabeth was famous for the whiteness of her skin. She is said to have put a thick mask prepared with lead and urea mixed with oils. It conceakd pockmarks after chickenpoz.


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