. ezerciac in itrong wiJI -ćwiczenie silnej woli light - lekki

' in temu of - pod względem attachcd - ułożony to regain - odzyskiwać

łuppltncM - jędrnołć

Dialogue 1

A bunty llnraput (5) itrni a tiunt (Q.

S: Havc you lost any weight or is it only my impression?

C: Actually, I lvave. I went on a three weck diet 1 am 6 kikts lighter.

S: Congratulations! 6 kilos in three wccks! That’s a lod How do you feel?

O It was an cxercisc in suong will. 1 am lighter and I feel lighter. I am genctally satislicd but...

S: But what? Don’t tell me that you’d bkc to be yet slimmer.

O Na That's not il In terms of weight and size I’m fine. But my body boks flabby and unhcalthy.

S: 'llus may be the beginnings of a cellulitc problem. Most women havc it sooner or later.

O Thatk it, I’m afraid.

S: Then, you must do something about it

C: I know I tnust but where to begin?

S: Fint of all, I recommcnd to you an anti-cellulitc programmc. It’s an entirely innovativc approach dcwloped by Fendnelłi.

0 Rcally? 1 know tl»e name. I’vc used some of their ercams.

S: Now they also have an anu-cdlubte gei, an anti-ceilulite peebng massage and an active serum.

O I might be interested.

S: Used together and rcgulariy, as recommended in the attached leaf-icts, tliesc products do givc a risible improwment.

O You mean my skin couid regain its suppleness and elasticity.

S: 1 think sa Of course, if you use the cosmetics over some penod of ume and use them intcnsivcly, you shoułd sec a maiked difFctence after a few weeks.

Task 1

Dcscribe the dicnt and hęr ptoblems. Speak about Sandra’s rccommcn-dations.

Task 2

Rcproduce lite dialogue.

Dialogue 2

A btantj ibcrapat (B) and a (Atut (Q.

C: Shail I follow any spcaal exerase rcgimen? Would cxercise help mc get nd of ccUulitc?

B: Not accrosc by itself. Physical acdvicy can help reducc ccUulitc by incieuing muscle tonę in the buttocks and thigh ara and burniog the exua fat stored ovetnight.

C: What is the beat timc for exercising?

B: When you wake up in the mocning but befote having brakfast

C: Must it be long?

B: 10 to 20 minutes in the morning will do.

C: What about something morę sport-like?

B: Thcrc is a lot to choose from as practicałly any physicaj exercise improves blood and lymphaoc circulaoon which helps metabolise fats and suinulates swcaung which helps dctoxify the skin.

O I must think of talung up regular swimming, jogging or aerobics

B: Havc you heard of pilatcs? Its very fashionablc among my dients

C: No, not yet but 1 think therc is an urodę about it in one of womens journals this wcek. 111 havc a look.

B: I couJd also recoinmcnd a ccUulitc massage with a specially designed devicc. U docs helps smooth out the dumping of fat. Therc’s also clectiical stimulaóon availablt

O Not evtrything at ooce, please. I don’t have cnough umc

B: You can also massage your troublc arcas yourscłf with a long-hnndled wooden brush madę from natutal fibres. You start with your fcet and then work upwards using smali rireubu movcmcnts.

O I'vc just bought some kind of a knobbly wooden massage tooL Is it any good?

B: Yes. Providcd you use it tegulariy. Work some soap or showtr gd into a uch lathet and gentiy massage the skin.

C You scem to know cVerything about ceUubic.

B: I must It’s ooe of the most common complaints.



cxcreise - ćwiczeń u fizyczne to bura - spalać itorrd ownight - zmagazynowany w aajie nocy

to wake up - budzić się it will do - to wystarczy to detoaify - odtruć fathionable - modny to smooth out - wygładzić dumping of fat - złogi tłunczfl

slimuUlion - pobudzanie troublc irca - chore/bol^ce miejsce

long-lundled - o długiej f nacc

tool - flanfdtie prorided - pod warunkiem complaiiit - doiegliwok


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