
Whcn a gamc cnds. thc playcrs rccord thc rcsult -induding if a gamc cnds in a draw as dcscribcd in Victory in thc WU rules. If a gamc cnds bcforc thc third cnd phasc bccausc of timc running out. usc thc norma! victory conditions. and rccord that rcsult. including if a gamc cnds in a draw. Ensurc that both playcrs rccord thcir glory points scorcd aftcr cach gamc - wc suggcst using a playcrs cumu!ativc glory points ditfcrcncc as a ticbrcakcr aftcr cach round whcn playcrs arc bcing paircd and (if ncccssary) for thc finał rcsults (scc bdow).


In our suggcstcd format. 3 points arc scorcd for a win. 1 for a draw and 0 points arc scorcd for a loss. 1hc highcr a playcrs scorc. thc highcr thcy arc in thc rankings, and thc highcst-scoring player is thc winner.

Whcrc thcrc is a tic. total glory points ditfcrcncc is uscd as a ticbrcakcr (largest positiwr points ditfcrcncc wins).

For thc purposes of finał rankings any tied playcrs must roli otf as dcscribcd in thc WU rules. Whichcvcr player wins thc roll-otf is thc victor. If thcrc arc morc than two tied playcrs. thc loscrs of thc first roll-otf then roli otf against cach other until all thc placcs arc dccidcd.

Pairing System

You arc frcc to usc whichcvcr pairing system you prefer. but this scction cxplains how playcrs arc paircd in an otficial WU tournament.

Round 1

For round 1. pairings arc randomly generated using player numbers assigncd at registration. If thcrc arc an odd number of playcrs. one player (determined randomly) is givcn a byc.


In a WU tournament a player with a byc counts as having won a gamc with a glory points ditfcrcncc of +7.

Subsequent Rounds

For subscqucnt rounds. pairings arc allocatcd as follow:

Playcrs arc split into groups according to thcir tournament scorc so far. In thc sccond round. for examplc. thcrc will be a group with 3 points (I win), a group with 0 points (I loss). and potcntially a group with 1 point (1 draw). Within cach group. playcrs arc then rankcd according to thc ticbrcakcr (glory points ditfcrcncc). Whcrc playcrs within a group havc thc same ranking aftcr ticbrcakcrs. rankings for thosc playcrs arc determined randomly (cxccpt for finał rankings).

The highest-ranked player in cach group is paircd with thc lowest-rankcd player in thcir group. then thc sccond highest-ranked player in cach group is paircd with thc sccond lowest-rankcd player in thcir group. and so on.

If a group contains an odd number of playcrs. thc lowest-rankcd player in that group is instead paircd with thc highest-ranked player in thc group bclow theirs. and thc other pairings arc adjusted accordingly. For thc purposes of determining further pairings in this round. thc player in thc lowcr group is considcrcd to be in thc highcr group.

If thcrc arc an odd number of playcrs in thc bottom group (aftcr any adjustments for thc groups abovc them. as dcscribcd abovc), one of thosc playcrs (determined randomly. but not a player who has alrcady rcccived a byc) is givcn a byc.

Playcrs will not be paircd with an opponent thcy havc alrcady faccd - whcrc that would happen thcy arc paircd with thc ncxt lowest-rankcd player instead. and thc other pairings arc adjusted accordingly.

Extra Rules

Power Step (‘Pass.’ ‘Pass.’)

For casc and speed in thc power step. a player can simply say ‘Pass’ to indicatc that thcy do not wish to play a card. Whcn both playcrs have donc so in scqucncc. thc power step is ovcr.

Reactions and Reasonable Time to React

Playcrs must allow a reasonable amount of timc for thcir opponent to make a rcaction bcforc playing a card or taking an activation. In addition. if thc player who docs not have priority wishes to make a rcaction. thcy should allow a reasonable amount of timc for thcir opponent to make a rcaction first. This rcquircs judgement on thc part of both playcrs. but as a rulc of thumb. a dclay of 5 scconds should be suffkient. A player who intends to make a rcaction but sccs that thcir opponent is about to movc thc gamc on can of coursc make thcir rcaction at that point.

If a player fccls that thcir opponent is dclibcratcły trying to prcvcnt them from making reactions by quickly moving thc gamc on. thcy can inform a judge. Remember that all playcrs arc expcctcd to avoid unsporting conduct.

Timely Play

Playcrs must not stall or dclibcratcły play slowly to make a gamc takc longcr. If a player suspeets that thcir opponent is dclibcratdy slowing thc gamc down. thcy can ask an availablc judge to obscrvc thcir gamc.


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