Thrs ccrtiłicate rccogmscsthat
has des* fi(wl etceotlal comptitaticnal Ilinkiig <kWt and contributed to the succesi of
»EU Codę Week 2019
by actweiy parttdpating in codlng even;
lo«v<nt<tm <>'<.>0 do »Knu
OodAki II. iwpm**f* ł*v hin^intl
Ihal Zespól Szkól Zawodowych im. Króla lana III Sobieskiego w Przeworsku
adieek' oonMbuled lo the tufcnt of FU ROPĘ COI)F WEEK 2019 rai a coir^.sal
PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python
CPA: Programming Essontlals In C*-r
Cu*g tdCatf H^»aUvA-«<
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