21. Into magnctic field drops the charged particie with charge Q in direction parallel to the induction vector B . Velocity of a particie is v . What kind of motion is particie moving?
22. Closed Circuit with the conductor was placed in a magnetic field of induction B. Asa result of which phenomenon was generated the current in that inductive circuit?
23. The existence of a field E generated by stationary charges is described by the Maxwell cquation. Sclect the correct formula.
24. Cohercnt light falls on two narrow slots. After passing through the two light rays meet with the same phasc at a point equidistant from the slots. What is the rcsultant intensily of light at the two slots opened / if the light intensity value measured at one closed slot is /0?
25. Who has formulated the correct description of thermal radiation?
26. Stcfan-Boltzmann Law
27. Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.
28. What occurs in the photoelectric effect?
29. What is the threshold energy on the creation of electron-positron pair?
30. Indicate the valid State of thermal equilibriuni of two systems.
31. What allows the zero law of thermodynamics?
32. What is the purpose of equivalence of heat and work as a form of energy transfer?
33. How can you calculate the inerease in entropy for smali transfers of heat?
34. What is the adiabatic diagram in the coordinates (p, V0?
35. What is the cfficicncy of any engine operating betwcen the reservoir of heat at a temperaturę of Ti and cooler with the temperaturę T{t
36. If the perfect blackbody temperaturę has inereased 2-times, what the change of radiation power is caused?
37. How is changed the maximum radiation power with the temperaturę inerease according to Wiens displacement law?
38. What is the dcpcndcnce betwcen stopping voltage and light intensity in the photoelectric cffect?
39. What is the dcpcndcnce betwcen stopping voltage and photoelcctron ki net ic energy?
40. What is the spectrum of atomie hydrogen?
41. Which of these demands is contrary to the Bohr model of atom?
42. Specify what determines the speed of an electron orbiting an atom according to Bohrs model.
43. Which of the following statements about group velocity and phase velocity is correct?
44. What is the value of the Bohr magneton ?
45. Which phenomenon occurs in a space vehiclc. circling around the Earth?
46. Which phenomenon occurs in the electrostatic field?
47. How is changed the clcctrical potcntial of the point positivc charge?
48. What characteristic is capacitance?
49. What devices are working with the use of electromagnetic induction phenomenon?
50. What infomiation is contained in the Ampere law. generalized by Maxwell?
51. What determines the flux of the electric field intensity vector calculated over the closed surface?
52. What is the nccessary condition for liqucfaction of gas?
53. What is omitted in the model of an ideał gas?
54. How the temperaturę changcs in the adiabatic process of gas with the inerease of its volumc?
55. What determines the internal energy of one mole of ideał gas?
56. How behaves an ideał gas during the isobaric process at a temperaturę reaching the absolute zero?
57. What determines the internal energy of the system?
58. What are the thermodynamic conditions under which the engine can convert heat into work?
59. When is there possible flow of heat from the body with lowcr temperaturę to the body with higher temperaturę?