J i K

joint and several - as a group, together, and also separately - solidarny, łączny

joint venture - wspólne przedsięwzięcie - mean responsibility as a group and as individuals

judgement - a legał decision or tlie official decision of the court - wyrok

judicial reffering to a judge or that which is done by the judge or die court - sądowy

judiciary - a collective term to mean all of the judges of a country - sądownictwo

jurisdiction - legał power over someone - jurysdykcja

jurisprudencc - the study of the theory of law and the legał system

juror - a member of a jury box

jury box - ława przysięgłych

justify - to explain sth and give a reason or excuse for it

juYenilc - a young person under the age of seventeen years, sometimes referred to as a “minor”

kangaroo court - an unofficial and illegal court set up without authority kin - relatives oor close members of the family - krewni

know-how - an informal but much used term meaning practical ability or skill in a particular area

knowledge - the awareness that sth is true or exist


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