5 Add un-, dii-, im- or in- to these adiectives and thcn complctc thc sentcnces with thcm.
patiem grateful honest actwc tidy
1 Ho never thanked me tor my help. He's so
2 After the accident she was for
three monlhs.
3 Helosthisjobbecausehewas
4 l‘m very . I always want to know
things quickly1
5 My brother is so _ .Heleaveshis
dothes all over his bedroom floor.
rwi ei
6 O 2.01 Listen to flve peopte talking about their lives. Matth the speakers with the jobs.
chess champion actress artist raclng drivet phołographer
7 Road the text.
tropie i<t(.n ask mc hi w I prtfMre Jat j n«v part and [ finrt ihi* a rcaly •iiflicuk (jacotim. v\n actur nenii to knaw a lot Auut dlTcrent soits ot peopie and diflerent types cf perscnatities. tm-ijint you hjvc to 11. rv thc furt uf wimconc wito isamUtK^us and InloterjnL Berhaps you ■irs-nl Skc this lwi you nws understand how [o pic Icd jm! l*havc whcn thcy ccc. So, I walch peopie al thc time. espedMIy włicn Tm preji.iiir*) for .1 new port.
For me. when I‘m actina thc ccstume is also wry importinl. Onlha arv rotdy impoit.mt to al ot us. They tell other peopk- a bt afcout who w arv ciitwho wc.inrnt JWcrml dothes ain change oin bchmtuur. Thlnk aboul Ł VVhut you put on parły dothes. wwk dothes ar sports dothes >v<u di.iev.fc .1 Sttlc. Bot oounpio, in smart. tnpensirc dothes you look ijroi you feet Qorxi *nd jnu an: moru coofident. Ttutfs wtiy cotlumc is lmporUnl for mu w hen I'm actag.
UI fiut on the dothes ot an okl. poor hr-metess v>»im;*i I fccl n>.«v Ukt her.Thc moment t put on the enstume t changc. and Jur a Aort tlme I .im another pcrvm.
8 Choosc thc best answers.
1 Actors have to
A answer a lot of questions.
B prepare for a long tlme.
C show their personalities.
D be veryambitk)us.
2 Kelly watches peopie a lot because she A Is interested in peopie.
B wants to learn how dilTerent peopie b«have.
C is very pallent.
D needs to understand why peopie are different.
O OsSinl Unnwilly !*««■»
Matura Solutions Pre Interniediate Tests 2