Truck Trailer Lightweighting

Ciaas Fradnksson' and Joet Gatos'J 'Grama Design. 300 Rustal Mouse. 62 Citton Rd. Cambndga. CBI 7EG. UK

‘DapaUmant ot Enpoeemg Unrrenty ot Cantmdga. Trumpmgton Si. CamOndge. C82 1RL UK

Fnt pubkshed September 2017 C2017 Grama Design Limited




CES EduPacfc p»ovxJes a rabonal and systematic approach to matenats sełecboo wtuch w invafuaWe to engmeenng and design It also supports Uansparency m this process for the purposes ot teachog and trammg The availabło databases cnabte informed matenal chorces m many speoahzed arcas In ths advanced case study. we focus on matenals deostons lor transportabon m order to reduce energy consumpbon ot heavy goodt yehłcłes.

The resuRs show that a suggested end-gram Balsa sandwiched between Głass Ftbar Remforcod Potytster face-sheets compares wef with pływood and harcfwood options when it oomes to mechanical properbes The mechamcal performance «s venflod mdependentty in three-powt bendmg lab tests lighfwetghtmg a traper with the suggested sanchwch panel decking saves around 300 kg of wetght. This comcs at a cost. as expected. Eco Audits show that the higher inibal energy and ©eonomic costs aro pan) back m less than one year. by reduced fuet costs. m addrbon to the beoeftt ot a Iow er CO.- footpnnt

However. the lr>dex in CES Help eon tam Information on how to derrve the mdex for resrstance to fasl fracture (as well as cost minirrwabon, not shown) The equabons and the resuftmg Performance mdex are shown to the r*ght

We want to maximue eguation M7.4 shown m this denvabon. This a oqurvałent to mMnMng the myerse. U1mp/K^.. For the resistance to centrrfugal loadmg. we w* mineraze the specrfic strength3 M2*,VO*. where a» ts the Fabgue strength (used for eyobe toadmg) Both these objoctrves can now be ptotted usmg the AOranced featuro of the graphmg toot

5. Result

The resultmg property chart of the matenals remaining afler appłytng the constramts ts shown betow (the saeened matenals are greyed out). The two mam performance mdices Ml and M2 are ptoned on the Y-axis and X-ans. respectively. ałowtng vtsual mWmłzahon of the otofectwes. Diamond is dassified as a ceranac in the database and appears in this chart It w* however be eliminated in the next step due to unrealtsbc cost


Silicon nitride

NkkHduomium altoy, 1NC0NEL 7131, cast, ascast

X -





INCONEl 713, cast,ascast

U <0 i

Density / Fatigue strength at 10A7 cydes

CES EduPack Case StuOes

e Grania Design. October 2015


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