
{Change Comments ***********************************************************} {1/25/91 Copied & modified: Cin 18C Acr 900TC L130.71 For: Nook Industries Machine: Cincinnati Cinturn Series 1212 (AT series) Control: Acramatic 900TC Control is a Radius Lathe. All Comments to begin with MSG, Added PGM Program Identifier statement. Added PostScript Coolant options. Deleted all 'G75's. Changed G21 in position Commands to G1 normal stuff in MachSpec. Changed M13 & M14 Spindle Commands to M3 & M4 normal stuff in MachSpec. Added CannedCycles, although very limited support. JR} {2/19/91 Modified: Cin AT Acr 900TC L202.71 For: Nook Industries Machine: Cincinnati Cinturn Series AT 12U-40 (a universal 1212) Control: Acramatic 900TC Turret stations: 8 OD , 4 ID (also can adapt ID holders at an OD station) Deleted space in Comments after 'MSG,'. Deleted custom Tool list at beginning of Program. Added O SeqLab to Program Indentifier line. Moved Speed to before DoOpComments & change to an O SeqLab line. Moved SpinOn to G70 line & change to standard SeqLab line. Moved GetCoolant to line with AbsOrInc. Moved Tool call from Approach sub to main. Added G95 & ToolChng to Tool call line. Added V00 to Tool call line; this is for Tool Retract and may need to be edited. Added Turret position commands at beginning of operations before Tool call. Cancel Offset on line by itself. Modified Coolant for ID or OD tools, deleted Mist/Flood Coolant PostScript Comments. Added GetSpeed sub to simplify layout. Arcs Stop On Quadrants checked in MachSpec. Added spaces between codes. Deleted IncValue from Threading cycle. NOTE: **BUGS** Threading Canned Cycle - see commented out commands needed. SetAddTools - Not adding Offset to I&K Arc values. JR} {4/9/91 Modified: Cin AT Acr 900TC L202.72 For: Gibbs & Associates Updated to Version 4.0 per Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.80 Format. SetAddTools now adds Offset to I&K Arc values. Only Canned Cycles supported are SimpleRough and Threading. Added FORMULAs for Canned Threading Cycle. Added OptCyc1 PostScript Command to offer user the option to output a G33 long-hand Threading Cycle, as opposed to a G63 Canned Threading Cycle. Added Flag('1') to aid in output of OptCyc1 Canned Threading Cycle AutoFinish Pass. NOTE: **BUGS** Threading Canned Cycle still requires a variable Tangent Angle of Attack; see ThreadAngleApproach#. DWB} {4/29/91 Modified: Cin AT Acr 900TC L202.80 For: Nook Industries No Feed or Feedrate in Approach for a Threading operation. Changed the A value in Threading to reflect the Major Dia not the first cuts depth. SetAddTools is not working with FinZ command, using FinishZ# command instead in Threading. JR} {5/3/91 Copied & modified: Cin AT Acr 900TC L202.81 For: Nook Industries Changed SpinOn codes in MachSpec to M13 & M14, turns on spindle and coolant. Changed GetCoolant to be used to turn coolant off if needed. JR} {3/5/93 Modified: Cin MA Acr 900TC L211.81 For: Nook Industries Changed Feed to FeedRate in GetFeedRate sub, seems to have been an error. Updated Approach subs and AutoFinish to .82.1 format, changes name of GetFeedRate sub to FeedRateNoCan. Changed GearRange to output high gear only. Deleted Offset cancel lines. *Per changes that Jim Radcliffe made to Cin AT Acr 900TC L202.82.* KLM} {5/25/93 Modified: Cin MA Acr 900TC L211.82.1 For: Nook Industries Updated to Version 4.1 per Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.82.1 Format. Changed IF NOT Threading to IF NOT CannedCycle at FeedNoCan and FeedRateNoCan subs. Added StandardXZArcs at setup and initializations. Changed LAST XCPC to SETLASTOP XCPC at NewTool. Changed LAST ZCPC to SETLASTOP ZCPC at NewTool. Changed SetPass2 to SetPass1 at CannedCycle Roughing RoughSimple. This was necessary as ncPost quit unexpectadly. Added SeqLabC StockOff StrtPosC EOL at non-CannedCycle AutoFinish. DWB} {5/10/95 Updated: Cin MA Acr 900TC L211.82.2 For: Gibbs & Associates/Consolidated Machine Shop Versions: ncCad 4.33.01/ncCAM 4.33.01/ncPost 4.33.05/Catalyst v2.14.40/Compost 4.21.28 Changes made per Pete Jackson/Rocky Pacelli Updated to Version 4.1 per Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.82.1c Format. Added updated non-CannedCycle AutoFinish stuff. Threading Operation was a doozy! DWB} {5/10/95 Copied: Cin MA Acr 900TC L211.82.3 Created: Cin Acr 900TC [CMS] L340.82.3 For: Consolidated Machine Shop Versions: ncCad 4.33.01/ncCAM 4.33.01/ncPost 4.33.05/Catalyst v2.14.40/Compost 4.21.28 Changes made per Pete Jackson/Rocky Pacelli. Added Preset Home block at FirstOperation and NewTool. Deleted Rapid ' X' TurretX# ' Z' TurretZ# at FirstOperation. Changed ' X' TurretX# ' Z' TurretZ# to NewHome at NewTool. Changed ' X' FIRST TurretX# ' Z' FIRST TurretZ# to FirstHome at end of Prog. DWB} {7/17/95 Initial: Cin Acr 900TC [WS] L340.82.3 Created: Cin Acr CNC L000.85 ForUser: Pace-Tech / Weirton Steel Control: Cincinnati Acramatic CNC Machine: Cincinnati 18" Universal Develop: Catalyst v2.19.06C, ComPost 4.21.30 Comment: New Procesor per marked up readout. Modified GearRange output. Deleted ' V00' from ToolChng line. Added Var#3 for keeping track of X position to set proper R value on G96 line. Added Save# Num#('3') XOpCD# and Save# Num#('3') CycleStartX# to Approach Replaced CycleStartX# with Recall# Num#('3') on G96 line. Added Formatter for Recall# Deleted Preset Home from beginning of operations. This Processor is using SetAddTools and that is all he needs. NOTE: may have to replace Home commands to Turret commands deleted in last note!?!? Updated to .85 format Jim Radcliffe} {8/7/95 Initial: Cin Acr CNC L000.85 Created: Cin Acr CNC L000.85.01 ForUser: Pace-Tech / Weirton Steel Develop: Virtual v.2.20, ComPost 4.21.32 Comment: Added missing Save# Num#('3') CycleStartX# in FaceApproachSP. Jim Radcliffe} {10/24/95 Initial: Cin Acr CNC L367.85.01 Created: Cin Acr CNC L367.85.02 ForUser: Pace-Tech / Weirton Steel Develop: ComPost 4.21.33, Catalyst68K v2.28.02C Comment: Corrected CSS for ID operations. Jim Radcliffe} {12/19/95 thru 3/26/96 Initial: Cin Acr CNC L367.85.02 Created: Cin Acr CNC L367.85.03 ForUser: Pace-Tech / Weirton Steel Develop: ComPost 4.21.33, Catalyst68K v2.30.22C thru ComPost 4.21.34, Catalyst68K v3.02.07C Comment: Corrected Threading Deleted OptCyc1 handling. It was used for the Gibbs System where we did not have the option long hand threading. Modified ThreadFeat to output I value for lead in X. Updated per Fanuc 10T MS [-] L001.85.01.01 Cleaned up Prog Formatters. Jim Radcliffe} {Prog Numeric Format Definitions *******************************************} #1 = '#.00' #2 = '##^###0' #3 = '#######0' #4 = '##^#0' #5 = '##^####0' #6 = '##^##0' #7 = '#' FORMAT(FileFeet#,1) FORMAT(FileMeters#,1) FORMAT(CycleStartX#,2) FORMAT(CycleStartZ#,2) FORMAT(FinishXRadius#,2) FORMAT(FinishXRadiusInc#,2) FORMAT(FinishZ#,2) FORMAT(FinishZInc#,2) FORMAT(CutDepth#,2) FORMAT(Recall#,2) FORMAT(Program#,3) {.72} FORMAT(Operation#,3) {.72} FORMAT(Tool#,3) {.72} FORMAT(Dwell#,4) {.72} FORMAT(ABS#,5) FORMAT(RapidF#,7) {Prog Subroutines **********************************************************} RestoreScale: IF Metric? {CAM file is in Metric, tools and tool path} SetScale('.03937007874') { change to English, this is an English post} END RETURN DoOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? '(MSG,OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ ' )' EOL END IF OperationComment? '(MSG,' OperationComment$ ' )' EOL END IF WorkGroupComment? '(MSG,' WorkGroupComment$ ' )' EOL END IF SameTool? IF NewToolOffset? IF ToolTypeComment? '(MSG,TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolSize$ ' ' ToolType$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolComment? '(MSG,' ToolComment$ ' )' EOL END END ELSE IF ToolTypeComment? '(MSG,TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolSize$ ' ' ToolType$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolComment? '(MSG,' ToolComment$ ' )' EOL END END RestoreScale END RETURN PSInit: {reset flags from last Op, .70} RETURN PSStuff: RETURN DoPostScript: PSInit EachPS SeqLabC PostScript EOL {literals} PSStuff {commands} NextPS RETURN DoEndOpPS: PSInit EachEOPS SeqLabC EndOpPS EOL {literals} PSStuff {commands} NextPS RETURN GetSpeed: IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? CalcRPM1 ELSE Speed END RETURN GetCoolant: IF CoolOff? CoolOff END RETURN StockOnNoCan: IF NOT CannedCycle? StockOn {need stock for SP positioning, if not a canned cycle} END RETURN FeedNoCan: IF NOT CannedCycle? FeedC END RETURN FeedRateNoCan: IF NOT CannedCycle? FeedRateC END RETURN ApproachSP: IF ApproachFace? SeqLabC StockOnNoCan XSPC EOL { for SameTool ApproachFace } SetAddToolsF Save# Num#('3') CycleStartX# { R value for CSS } SetAddTools SeqLabC StockOff ZOpCPC EOL StockOnNoCan IF NotEqual? CycleStartZ# ZOpCP# SeqLabC FeedNoCan ZSPC FeedRateNoCan EOL END ELSE { ODApproach/IDApproach } SeqLabC StockOnNoCan ZSPC EOL SeqLabC StockOff XOpCDC EOL SetAddToolsF Save# Num#('3') XOpCD# { R value for CSS } SetAddTools StockOnNoCan IF NotEqual? CycleStartX# XOpCD# SeqLabC FeedNoCan XSPC FeedRateNoCan EOL SetAddToolsF Save# Num#('3') CycleStartX# { R value for CSS } SetAddTools END END RETURN AppMove: StockOff ThisOpEntryZCP RETURN Approach: { NOT FOR TAILSTOCK, .82 } Rapid RapidF# { RapidF# Forces FeedRate } IF ApproachOD? SeqLabC ThisOpEntryXCP AppMove EOL ELSE IF ApproachID? SeqLabC XOpCD AppMove EOL ELSE {ApproachFace} SeqLabC StockOnNoCan XSP AppMove EOL END END ApproachSP RETURN CheckOffset: DoEndOpPS IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M00' EOL ELSE IF NewGear? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL ELSE IF CoolOff? AND LAST NOT CoolOff? SeqLabC CoolOff EOL END END END IF NewToolOffset? SeqLabC OpToolID LatheOffset ToolChng EOL {M06 required to activate new offset} END SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' GetSpeed GearRange EOL IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC SpinOn EOL SeqLabC GetCoolant EOL ELSE IF NewGear? SeqLabC SpinOn EOL SeqLabC GetCoolant EOL END END DoPostScript RETURN FormatArc: IF ArcCW? CWArcC ELSE CCWArcC END MoveXC MoveZC IF ArcIJFormat? ArcIJC ELSE ArcRC END RETURN CkCRC: { 4.2 } IF XMove? OR ZMove? { Approach Length Feature and Multiple Pockets } IF NOT LastFeat? CRCOnC END END IF LastFeat? AND EmptyLine? { Exit Length Feature } CRCOffC END RETURN ToolPath: EACHFeat GetToolTip IF LastFeat? IF Drilling? IF Tap? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL SeqLabC ' G04 F200' EOL SeqLabC Speed InverseSpinOn EOL ELSE IF Dwell? SeqLabC ' G04 F' Dwell# EOL END END END END IF PointFeat? SeqLabC MoveSXYC EOL ELSE IF RapidFeat? IF LAST ThreadFeat? Rapid END SeqLabC RapidC MoveXC MoveZC EOL ELSE IF LineFeat? SeqLabC CkCRC FeedC MoveXC MoveZC FeedRateC EOL ELSE IF ArcFeat? EACHQuadrant { Do not use NOT, LAST, FIRST or NEXT modifiers in this loop } SeqLabC FormatArc FeedRateC EOL NEXTQuadrant ELSE IF ThreadFeat? SeqLabC ' G33' IF XMove? MoveXC MoveZC SetStatusOff SetTTOff ' I' ABS# MUL# DIV# NUM#('1') Thread# DIV# SUB# SPX# EPX# SUB# SPZ# EPZ# SetTTOk SetStatusOn ELSE MoveZC END ThrdLead EOL END END END END END NEXTFeat RETURN CheckRapid: CRCOffC IF LAST CannedCycle? Rapid ELSE IF LAST Threading? Rapid ELSE RapidC END END RETURN {Start of executable Prog **************************************************} {setup and initializations} InitProg PosSideLathe StandardXZArcs XsAreRadii SetMaxRPM('2240') SetMaxFeed('500') IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'PostScript:' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: must be all capital letters when typed in.' EOL ' ENDOP -' EOL ' all literals and commands before an ENDOP command' EOL ' will appear at the beginning of the operation. All ' EOL ' literals and commands after an ENDOP command will appear' EOL ' at the end of the operation. ' EOL END EachOp {Start of post processing *********************} GetLCycle IF FirstOperation? EOR EOL 'O?' '(PGM,I' Program# ')' EOL IF UseComments? IF ProgramNameComment? '(MSG,' ProgramName$ ' )' EOL END IF ProgramComment? '(MSG,' ProgramComment$ ' )' EOL END IF FormatNameComment? '(MSG,FORMAT: ' FormatName$ ' )' EOL END IF TimeComment? '(MSG,' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ ' )' EOL END IF MovesComment? '(MSG,OUTPUT IN ' MoveType$ ' INCHES )' EOL END END RestoreScale OpenSub StockOff {.71.2} SetHome Plane 'O?' CSSOff ' G97' GetSpeed GearRange EOL DoOpComments SeqLabC ' G70' SpinOn EOL SeqLabC AbsOrInc GetCoolant EOL SeqLabC ' G95' OpToolID LatheOffset ToolChng EOL DoPostScript SetAddTools Approach ELSE IF NewTool? {Finish off last Operation} StockOff {.62} CheckRapid IF LAST ApproachOD? SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL END END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL SetAddToolsF DoEndOpPS IF LAST ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC CSSOff ' G97' CalcRPM2 EOL END SeqLabC NewHome IF NewGear? SpinOff END EOL IF LAST ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M00' EOL ELSE SeqLabC ProgStop EOL END {Start new Operation} 'O?' CSSOff ' G97' GetSpeed GearRange EOL DoOpComments SeqLabC ' G70' SpinOn EOL SeqLabC AbsOrInc GetCoolant EOL SeqLabC ' G95' OpToolID LatheOffset ToolChng EOL DoPostScript SetAddTools Approach ELSE IF SameTool? {.62} {Start new Operation} StockOff DoOpComments IF LAST StraightConnect? CheckOffset CheckRapid SeqLabC StockOnNoCan XSPC ZSPC EOL ELSE CheckRapid IF ApproachOD? IF LAST ApproachOD? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL ELSE {around} IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL END ELSE IF ApproachID? IF LAST ApproachID? SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachOD? {around} SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL SeqLabC XOpCDC EOL END ELSE {ApproachFace} IF LAST ApproachFace? SeqLabC LAST ZOpECPC EOL ELSE IF LAST ApproachOD? {around} SeqLabC LAST OpExitXCPC EOL ELSE {LAST ApproachID} SeqLabC LAST XOpECDC EOL END SeqLabC LAST OpExitZCPC EOL END END END CheckOffset ApproachSP END END END END {common point for all operations} IF ConstantSurfaceFeed? IF FirstOperation? OR LAST NOT ConstantSurfaceFeed? SeqLabC Preset MaxRPM EOL END SeqLabC CSSOn ' G96 R' Recall# Num#('3') Speed EOL END IF CannedCycle? StockOff IF Roughing? IF RoughSimple? StockOn SetPass1 SeqLabC '(DIN,G' CutDepth# ')' EOL IF ApproachFace? SeqLabC '(EXS,Z' CutDepth# ')' EOL {exit cut} SeqLabC LCycle ' Z' FinishZ# ' I' FinishXRadiusInc# XTapAtZ ' A0' EOL ELSE SeqLabC '(EXS,X' CutDepth# ')' EOL {exit cut} SeqLabC LCycle ' X' FinishXRadius# XTapAtZ ' K' FinishZInc# ' A0' EOL {A must be programmed but Cam already has it at the first position so A=0} END END END ELSE StockOn SetPass1 ToolPath IF AutoFinish? { .82.1c } StockOff IF Turning? IF ApproachFace? SeqLabC RapidC ZOpECPC EOL ELSE SeqLabC RapidC XOpECDC EOL END ApproachSP SeqLabC StockOff StrtPosC EOL ToolPath ELSE IF Roughing? AND NOT RoughSimple? SetPass2 SeqLabC RapidC XSPC ZSPC EOL SeqLabC StockOff StrtPosC EOL ToolPath SetPass1 END END END END IF Drilling? AND Tap? SeqLabC SpinOff EOL SeqLabC ' G04 F200' EOL SeqLabC Speed SpinOn EOL END NextOp {loops back to EachOP until last Operation} {End of program ************************************************************} {finish last operation} StockOff CRCOffC IF CannedCycle? Rapid ELSE IF Threading? Rapid ELSE RapidC END END IF ApproachOD? SeqLabC OpExitXCPC EOL ELSE IF ApproachID? SeqLabC XOpECDC EOL END END SeqLabC OpExitZCPC EOL SetAddToolsF DoEndOpPS SeqLabC FirstHome SpinOff EOL IF ProgStop? SeqLabC ' M00' EOL END SeqLabC EOP EOL Post EOR EOL Close Retag IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} Reopen IF FileBytesComment? '(MSG,FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS )' EOL END IF FileFeetComment? '(MSG,FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET )' EOL END IF FileMetersComment? '(MSG,FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS )' EOL END Close END


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