
WORKER_TYPE_TS Package WORKER_TYPE_TS worker_type_ts.pks by Don Bales on 12/15/2006 Code Table WORKER_TYPE_T's methods. Method Summary get_code_descr Gets the code and decription values for the specified work_type_id get_code_id_descr Verifies the passed aiov_code value is an exact or like match on the date specified get_code_id_descr Verifies the passed aiov_code value is currently an exact or like match get_id Returns a newly allocated id value get_id Returns the id for the specified code value help Test-based help for this package test Test units for this package Method Detail get_code_descr PROCEDURE get_code_descr( ain_id in, aov_code out WORKER_TYPE_T.code%TYPE, aov_description out WORKER_TYPE_T.description%TYPE ) Gets the code and decription values for the specified work_type_id. get_code_id_descr PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr( aiov_code in out WORKER_TYPE_T.code%TYPE, aon_id out, aov_description out WORKER_TYPE_T.description%TYPE, aid_on in WORKER_TYPE_T.active_date%TYPE ) Verifies the passed aiov_code value is an exact or like match on the date specified. get_code_id_descr PROCEDURE get_code_id_descr( aiov_code in out WORKER_TYPE_T.code%TYPE, aon_id out, aov_description out WORKER_TYPE_T.description%TYPE ) Verifies the passed aiov_code value is currently an exact or like match. get_id FUNCTION get_id return Returns a newly allocated id value. get_id FUNCTION get_id( aiv_code in WORKER_TYPE_T.code%TYPE ) return Returns the id for the specified code value. help PROCEDURE help Test-based help for this package. "set serveroutput on" in SQL*Plus. test PROCEDURE test Test units for this package.


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