
Krakowskie Sympozjum HTA/MA 2015

NICE MTEP process. Lessons iearned from a successful submission

Jeff Stonadge

The NICE medical technologies evaluation programme (MTEP) selects and evaluates new or innovative medical technologies (including devices and diagnostics). MTEP helps the National Health Service adopt efficient and cost effective medical devices and diagnostics morę rapidly and consistently.

Technologies evaluated by the programme are those which have the potential to offer substantial benefit to patients and/or the NHS compared with current practice and have the potential to be adopted morę consistently and morę rapidly if NICE develops guidance on them. The advantages which they offer over current practice need to be clearly described, easily understood and immediately plausible. High-quality scientific evidence supporting these advantages will increase the likelihood of a technology being selected for evaluation. Information about costs is also required in judgements about selection.

The MTEP process is elear, transparent and has been undertaken by twenty four technologies sińce its inception. MTG 12 was published in January 2013 and delivers guidance on the use of EXOGEN ultrasound bonę healing system for long bonę fractures with non-union or delayed healing. Positive guidance was issued for the use of EXOGEN to treat long bonę fractures with non-union.

Many lessons can be Iearned from undertaking the MTEP process that are applicable to all HTA processes, answering the ultimate question, “is it worth the effort and investment?”

How can and how should evidence be presented? What practical advice can be derived from companies that have undertaken the process? What is the role of the clinical expert and the patient group? What does a manufacturer do in the absence of data?

Personal experience of the NICE MTEP process will be presented and how that has guided and informed subsequent HTA applications.


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