Geologia gospodarcza 737
- cconomical,
- conncctcd with intcmational coopcration - for ensure minerał supply to the na-tion by import and surplus export,
- environmcntal planning - optimized landusc for urbanization, agriculture or naturę and water resourccs to fili the population, industrial and agriculture needs.
Formerly the economic geology comprised a broader scopc of applied geo-logy, including theoretical directions of minerał deposit geology - petrolcum, ore, salinę, common rock etc. Thcir individualization rcsults in carefull pcnctration into related genetical problems, but also in defining deposits as anomalous natural con-centrations. It should be stressed here that in applied science this definition conta-ins also an economic attribute which could be profitably exploitcd.” Such economic definition is uscd in Polish gcological and mining law.
A deposit can be considered worthy for developmcnt if four conditions are filled:
- quantity of rcservcs and geological-mining conditions allow rentable cxplo-itation,
- ąuality of minerał is acceptable to present-day dressing and extractivc tcch-nologies,
- thcrc exists demand and profitable market,
- cnvironmental conflict of minerał raw matcrials production is dispensablc having in view social needs and uniąue place of deposition.
Deposits are not only naturally formed, at the same time they are created by man. Their contours and volumes depend on actual idcas and changc in accord with economic (balance sheet) criteria. Diffcrent approach to resourcc-reserves qualifi-cation in market economies and in the countrics in transition from centralizcd cco-nomy makes difficult intemational comparisons of geological prognoses and mining risk. UNECE initiatives introduce third dimension into discussed qualification - an cconomical valuation of the resources/reserves at diffcrent stages of mining project from reconnaissance to detailed cxploration, i.e. opportunity, prefeasibility and feasibility studies.
Both price and cxploitation costs fluctuations make difficult univocal qualifi-cation of profitable deposit. Thcreforc four classes of rcsources are distiguished: (actually) economic reserves, marginal and submarginal resourccs, and exccptional (subsidized) market minerał quantities.