
Q.P. Codę : 25806

IV. Ansncr ani twe of the folltminę:    10

a.    Wriie ;hcc1 descriptions fcc the follo»i.-.g:

i.    Session State var«able*

ii.    SiceMnpPich control

b.    Wint jre the »ijv»-Ajgcj of i c-ister faje? Explain aSout ContcatPlacellcłder's in

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c. Whtf i* RangeYklidłOor? Dełcrib: tr.y rcttr peopertle-. of iL    (j)

d. Włul uc    ad«nUjcs »nd drawbecłz of uiinj o*ii«? fcptain bow server scti a -ty







eorASe ł-j! retriewek

Answcr em-ftu) <*f the foUowing:

Expliin about łqlCcnnec:icn md łi)ICummvid ciasses-Wtat H a OridView contro 1? £xplińs l&* eocnabk ruw sckctka, | teuufes of OridView.

Bricfly txp)jin FocmVłew ocntrol, How ii ii diffccenc frcun DcliulsYjw?

Wrile 4>ati notes on Dala Keader isA Dala AibfW.    A'


A*s»er n/7f ft»v> of che followiog:    ,_^T

W!i« atc ihc brncfitr osL-<g AJn? tr.spUh abo.-*. Updite Panel and SsńpeMaiuger. Wriie jQu«y ptojratn ihit changes the bmlgrotr-d coiSur of a pamgraph » red ord font colour so yelkrw mhca ntousc enters ov<r it. A|jS ret 6-.c barkgrcund colour to wbite md font cotoor to bitek when mfiuK Iravc6<he paragraph.

£xpiain UNQ co Objcots *ith tr cumplc. jjr

£xp!U -Jrt queiy opcnoon SELECT, FS^yjjÓRDERBY ind WIIERE in LINQ.




VII. Aaswer any Ibrse of the frilowiag;

Whoi arc d>e n.:es in dcf/-tog icenriMtOt? Expliin sta:Ir oooKiucior with ext.-2.ptc. U Wha: is a CSS sclwiw? Expli>. cte-łselectce ind grctipod setcecor with ejcarapłe. «■ Whilil code-lrtliind model tr. AJ^P.NET? How is Ć diffetent frora SÓfklile model? •L Eipltin URL cncodiftg in dajctęf-

» Whu is t Dcci «nrce? £ięiaft>vfeus ty^n ef d»u scuiceł in ASP.NET. f. Hxp!ain LINQ to SOL włtjrtf.e fcip of a ęucry ihit petfoims e<]uijocn.





CW-Con. 5854-15.


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