GreatBasin Naturalist Memoirs

No. 11

__ 1965a. Considcraciones acercadel BUC, primera

parte. Cafe Peruano3(33):12-l7. (en).

__ 1965b. Consideraciones aeerca del BUC, segunda

parte. Cafe Peruano 3(34): 12-16, 20. (en).

•INOUYE, MOTONORI 1947. Control methods of the pine bark beetles, camhium ł)orers and \veevils in de-tail [ln Japanese]. Tokyo. ().

__1949a. Matsukuimushi l)ojo seisetsu [On the eon-

troi and extermination of the pine bark beetle] [In Japanese). Tokyo, Asakura Sbobo. 129 p. (en).

__ 19491). On the distribution of the pine beetle in

Japan, with a notę on the peculiarity in their infes-tations [ln Japanese). Nippon Society of Applied Entomology 5:135-136. (en ds).

__ 1949e. The researeb on the canse of the pine bark

beetle damage [In Japanese]. Japanese Forestry Society, Journal 32:8S-92. (en).

__1950. Studies on larch beetle (Ips ccmbrae) [In

Japanese). Japanese Forestry Society, Journal 32:112. (ec).

* __ 1953. A detailed book of forest insect control (Co-

Ieoi>tera) [ln Japanese). Tokyo. Yolume 2. ().

__1954. Studies on the relation between bark beetle

attack and moisture eon tent of the sapwood of eoniferous trees in the primeval forest in Hokkaido [In Japanese). Government Forest Experiment Station, Bulletin 6S:167-1S0. (ecbb).

__ 1955. Wiehtige, in Hokkaido (Japan) durch

sehadliche Forstinsekten verursachte Probleme. Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde 2S: 161-162. (en).

* __ 1960. A detailed book of forest insect control [In

Japanese). Tokyo. Vol. 3. ().

__1963. Details of bark beetle control in the storm-

swept areas in the natural forest of Hokkaido, Japan. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 51:160-164. (en).

•iNOUYE, Motonorj. et al. 1955. An illustrated book of the meristem insects of the forest trees and with the wood rots [In Japanese). Sapporo. ().

INOUYE. MOTONORI. ClIlKARA KOIZUMI. AND MASATOSIll Takai. 1953. Studies on Todo-fir bark beetle Polygraphns proxintus Blandford (Ipidae) [ln Japanese). Pages 103-107 in Symposium, Annual Staff Conference, Sapporo Braneh, Covernmcnt Forest E.\periment Station 1952:27. (hb).

__ 1954. On the hibernation of the Todo-fir bark

beetles, Polygraplins proxhnus Blandford, Crijphalus piccac Hatzeburgand C. picens Eggers (Ipidae). Japanese Forestrv Society, Journal 36(5): 127-129. (hb).

Inouye, Motonorj. Kozo Kosucj. Chikara Kojzumj. Kaoru Ono. Tadasiii Uozumi. and Katsuaki Endo 1930. Illustrated handbook of bark beetles, other wood-borers, and wood-rotting fungi found in the forests of the northern parts of Japan [ln Japanese). Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Forest E.\periment Station, Sapporo Braneh. 215 p. (en tx).

Inouye, Motonorj. and Akira Nobuchi. 1957a. A revi-sion of Crijphalus species injurious to eoniferous trees from Hokkaido, Japan (Coleopt. Scolytidae) [ln Japanese and English], Covernment Forest E.xperiment Station, Bulletin 103:45-56. (t.\).

-- 1957b. Studies on the natural enemies of the bark

beetles and borers. (I) [In Japanese and English). Covernment Forest Experiment Station, llok-kaido Braneh Spccial Beport 8:190-204. (ec).

__I959a. A new species of Drijocoetes from Hokkaido (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Insecta Matsumu-rana 22(3/4): 122-123. (tx).

__ 1959b. Studies on the natural enemies of the bark

beetles and borers, II [In Japanese and English). Covermnent Forest Experiment Station, Bulletin 111:35-42. (ec).

Inouye, Motonorj. and Hiroaki Yamacuchi. I955a. A memoir of the scientific investigations of the primeval forests in the headwaters of the River lshikari, Hokkaido, Japan 11-1. Insect injuries [In Japanese]. Sapporo, p. 207-237, pl. 25. (en ec).

__ 19551). Analysis of the inerease in beetle popula-

tion in the storm-swept areas in the national forest of Hokkaido. I [In Japanese). Covernment Forest Experiment Station, Special Report 4:72-94. (ec).

__ 1959. Control of bark beetles by the application of

zinc Iluosilicate [ln Japanese). Covernment Forest Experiment Station, Bulletin 111.1-34. (en).

Inscoe, May N 1982. Insect attraetants, attractant pheromones, and related compounds. Pages 201-295 in A. F. Kydonieus and M. Beroza (eds.), Insect suppression with controlled release pheromone svstems. CRC Press: Roea Raton, Flor id a. 312 p. (bv).

Inscoe. May N . and Morton Beroza. 1976. insect-be-havior Chemicals active in field trials. Pages 145-181 in M. Beroza (ed.), Pest management with insect sex attraetants and other behavior controlling Chemicals. ACS Symposium Series No. 23. American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C. viii 4- 192 p. (bv).

International Commission on Zoolocical Nomencla-ture. 1963a. Opinion 6S3. Scohytus Geoffroy, 1762 (Insecta, Coleoptera): validated under the Plenary Powers. Bulletin ofZoologieal Nomencla-

ture 2Ó(6):416-417* (tx).

__I963h. Opinion 670. Dcndroctonus Erichson,

1S36 (Insecta, Coleoj>tera); designation of a type-species under the Plenary Powers with addition of Tomicus Latreille (IS02-1803) to the Official List. Bulletin ofZoologieal Nomenelature 20:276-278. (t.\).

__ 1979a. Opinion 1144 Phlocotribus (Coleoptera:

Scolytidae) ruled to be a justified emendation of Phloiotribus Latreille, 1796. Bulletin ofZoologieal Nomenelature 36:132-134. (tx).

__1979b. Opinion 1146. A.yleborus Eichhoff, 1864

(Coleoptera: Scolytidae), conserved under the plenary powers. Bulletin ofZoologieal Nomenelature 36:151-153. (tx).

__19Sla. Opinion 1166 Liparthrwn Wollaston, 1854

(Coleoptera, Scolytidae) conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenelature 3S(l):64-66. (tx).

__19SIB. Opinion 1167 Phlocosinus Chapuis, 1S69

(Coleoptera, Scolytidae) conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenelature 3S(1):67-6S. (t.\).

Intini. M., and A Panconesi 1976. Aleuni aspetti della biologia del Conyncum cardinale Wag. in Tuscana [Some aspects of the biology of Coryncum cardi-nalc in Tuscany). Academia ltaliana dei Scienze Forestali, An))ali 25:19-41. (ec).

*1oakomovo. D 1899. Prinoso komo faunata na nasekomite oto Rila pl. [ln Bułgaria))]. Periodich-


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