GreatBasin Naturalist Memoirs

No. 11

tionen. Wissenschaft liche Forschnugsberichte Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe, Steinkopflf, Darmstadt, Band 69. xvii + 304 p. (ec).

Kristek. Jaroslav. 1966. Beitrag zur Erforschung der holzzerstorenden Insekten an Baumweiden in Sudmahren. 11. Teil (Anisandrus dispar, p. 138). Acta Universitatis Agriculturae, Facultatas Silvi-culturae, Brno 35.113-149. (cn ds).

•Krivka, K 1946. Nebezpeci kurovcc v Krkonosich [Borkenkafergefahren im Riesengebirge]. Ceskoslovensky Les 26:67-68. ().

Krivolutskaya. Gali Olimpievna 1956. Koroyedy (Co-leoptera, Ipidae) klwoinykh lcsov o. Sakhalina [Bark-beetles of the coniferous forests in Sakhalin]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 35(4): 826-839. (hb ds tx).

__ 1958. Koroedy ostrova Sakhalina [Bark beetles of

Sakhalin lsland]. Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Moskva-Leningrad. 195 p. (tx).

__ 1960. Skrytostvolovye vrediteli v lesakh zapadoni

sibiri povrezhdennykh sibirskim shelkopryadom [Concealed trunk pests damaged by the silkworin nioth in forests of western Siberia]. Pages 75-92 in Materiały po probleme sibirskogo shelkopryada. Akademia Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoc Otdelenie, Bio-logicheskii Institut, Novosibirsk. 136 p. (hbds).

__ 1965a. Fauna koroedov (Colcoptera, Ipidae) yuzh-

nykh kurilskikh ostrovov. Lesovodstvennye issle-dovaniya na Dalnem Vostoke, 1. Vladivostok 1965:219-243. (lib tx).

__ 1965b. Skrytnostvokovye vrediteli v tem-

nokhvoinykh lesakh Zapadnoi Sibiri, povrezhden-nykh sibirskim shelkopryadom [Destructive sub-cortical pests in the coniferous forests of western Siberia damaged by the silkworm moth]. Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoc Otdelenie, Iz-datel’stvo “Nauka’*, Biologicheskii Institut i Bi-ologo-Pochvennyi Institut Dal*nevostochnogo Fil-iala, Moskva, Leningrad. 129p. (hbds).

___ 1968. New species of bark beetles (Coleoptera,

Ipidae) from Kurile Islands [lri Russian]. Pages 50-61 in A. 1. Kurcnzov and Z. A. Konoralova, Fauna i Ekologiya Nasekomych Dal n Vost [The insect fauna ofthe Soviet Far Fast and its ecology]. Far Eastern Rranch, lnstitute of Biology and Pedology, Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, USSR. 173 p. (hb tx).

-- 1970. Novyi vid koroeda (Coleoptera, Ipidae) iz

Primorskogo kraya [New species of bark beetles from Primorye Territory]. Pages 207-211 in En-toinologicheskie Issledovaniya ria Dal nem Vos-toke. Vladivostok. (tx).

-- 1973. Entomofauna of the Kurii Islands; principal

features and origin [ln Russian, English sum-mary]. USSR Academy of Sciences, Far-Eastern Scientific Centre, lnstitute of Biology and Pedology. 315 p. (ds hb).

*--I97S. Novye dannye o nasekomych Sakhalina i

Kuril’skikh Ostrovov [New data on the insects of Sakhalin and the Kurii Islands]. Trudy Biologo-pochvennogo Iristituta, Novava Seriya 50(153).

168 p. ().

-- 1983. Ekologo-geograficheskaya kharakteristika

fauny korocdov (Coleoptera, Seolytidae) Severnoi Azii [Ecological-geographical characteristics ofthe fauna of bark-beetles of northern Asia]. Entomo-logicheskoe Obozrenie 62(2):2S7-30I (also Ento-mological Review 62(2):52-67). (ec ds).

__ 1984. Utochnenie sinonimii dvukh dalnevo-

stochnykh vidov roda Scolyłus Geoffroy (Coleoptera. Seolytidae) [Synonymic definitions in two Far Eastern species of the genus Scohjtus Geoffroy]. Pages 3-6. Fauna i Ekologiya Nasekomykh Yuga Dalnego Bostoka. 151 p. (eeds).

Krivolutskaya. Gali Olimpievna. and A N. Kupyan-SKaya 1970. Koroedy (Coleoptera, Ipidae) v gorodskikh zelenykh nasazhdeniyakh primorskogo kraya [Bark-fecders in green town plan-tations of the Primorye Territory]. Entomologich-eskie Issledovaniya na Dal nem Bostoke. Trudy biol.-pochvenn. lnst., Vladivostok 2(1): 185-195. (ec ds).

Krivosheina. N P 1974. The morphology of the larvae of Mcdctcra Fisch. (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) (In Russian]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 53(2): 309-323 (also Entomological Review 53(2): 49-59). (ec).

Krivosheina, N P.. and S. I Aksentev. 1984. Dendroc-tunus micans in spruce stands. Lesovedenie I984(5):63-68. (hb).

Krogerus. Rolf. 192Ia. Coleoptera uti doda aspar i Lojo-trakten. Notulae Entomologicae 1:51-52. (ds).

__1921b. For provinserna Karelio ladogctus(KI.) och

Isthmus korelicus (Ik.) nya eller annars interes-santa Coleoptera insainlade juli 1920 och 1921 [Seolytidae, p. 115]. Notulae Entomologicae 1:113-115. (ds).

__ 1925. Tva for faunan nya scalbagger. Societas pro

Fauna et Flora Fennica Meddelanden 49:45. (ds).

__ 1927. Beobachtungen uberdie Succession einiger

Insektenbiocoenosen in Fichtenstumpfen. Notulae Entomologicae 7:121-126. (ec).

__ 1942. [Finlands fauna nya eller annars anmarkn-

ingsvarda insekter]. Notulae Entomologicae 22:168. (ds).

__ 1944. [Ips (Orthotomicus) longicollis Cyll. and

Car))hoborus minimus F. newfor Finland]. Notulae Entomologicae 24:32. (ds).

Krohn,Ottar 1979. Plantenvernmidlerogskoghygiene. Norsk Skogbruk 25(4):27, 32. (cn).

*Krol, Alfred. 19S0a. Szkodniki wtórne i techniczne przedplonowych drzewostanów sosny pospolitej (Pinus sylvcstris L.) na terenie Leśnego Zakładu Doświadczalnego w Krynicy [Secondary pests and wood borers of Pinus sylvestris in Krynica Experi-mental Fnrest]. Sylwan 124(8):37-45. O-

*__ 1980b. Występowanie owadow szkodników

wtórnych i technicznych sosny pospolitej (Pinus syhcstris L.) na terenie Nadleśnictwa Buda Stalówka, objętym szkodliwymi emisjami Tarnobrzeskiego Zagłębia Siarkowego [Occurrence of secondary pests and wood borers of Scots pine in an area of the Buda Stalówka forest division af-fectcd by emissions from the Tarnobrzeg sulphur works]. Acta Agraria et Silvestria. Silvestris 19:25-40. ().

__ 1984. The occurrence of secondary insect pests of

coinmon pine in stands injured by the feeding of Lymantria monacha L. Abstract. International Congress of Entomology, Proceedings, Hamburg 1984, 17:606. (ec).


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