GbbatBasin Naturaust Memoihs
No. 11
Sammelergebnissen des Herrn Forstrates Alois Gobanz [Scolytidae, p. 660]. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Zoologiach-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 54:645-660. (ds).
Gante. Tu 1930. Borkenkaferbefall uiid Schleimfluss an Ulmen. Praktische Ratgeber im Obst- nnd Cartenbau Frankfurt-oder 45:201. (cn).
CaPR1NDASIIV!LI. N K. O D Gumberidze. and K. V KharaZISHV1LI 1967. Materiały k izucheniyu vi-dovogo sostava tstestvennykb vrago bolshogo elovogo luboeda v Cruzii [On the species composi-tion of the natural enemies of Dendroctonus mi-cans in Georgia, USSR]. Akademiia Nauk Cruzin-skoiSSR, Soobshcheniia 47(1):I67-172. (ec).
Gaprindasiivili. N K. C V Yashuli. K. V Kiiara-zishvili. O D Gumberidze. and M S Tvaradze. I96S. Data for the development of a met bod for laboratory cultivation of Rhizophagus grandis Gyll. [In Russian]. Akademiia Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, Soobshcheniia 50(3):735-740. (ec).
•Gara. Robert Imre. 1962. A field approach to study the flight behaviorofbark beetle populations (Coleop-tera: Scolytidae). Unpuhlished thesis. Oregon State Universitv, Corvallis. 93 p. ().
__ 1963. Studies on the llight behavior of Ips eon-
fiisus (Lec.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in response to attractive materiał. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Contributions 22(l):5I-66. (bv).
*__ 1965a. Studies on the fliglit behswior of Ips eon-
fusus (Lec.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in response to attractants. Unpublished dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 141 p. ().
-- 1965b. Studies on the llight behavior of Ips.con-
fusus (Lec.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in response to attractants. Dissertation Abstracts 25(9):4«S91-4S92. (bv).
-- 1966a. Results of research conducted on the Southern pine beetle. American Pulpwood Association, Technical Papers 1966:28-29. (cn hb ms).
-- 1966b. What we have learned from new research
on the Southern pine beetle. Forest Farmer 25(6):6-7, 18-19. (cn hb ms).
-- 1967a. A field olfactometer for studying the response of the Southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis) to attractants. Journal of Econnmic En-tomology60:I ISO-1181. (ms).
-- 1967h. Studies on the attack behavior of the Southern pine beetle. I. The spreading and collapse of outhreaks. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Contributions 23(10):349-354. (bv hb).
Cara Robert Imre, and Jack E. Coster 1968. Studies on the attack behavior of the Southern pine beetle. III. Sequence of tree infestation within stands. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Contributions 24(4):77-S6. (bv hb).
Cara. Robert Imre. R D Geiszler. and W R Littke. 1984. Primary attraction of the mountain pine beetle to lodgepole pine in Oregon. Entomologi-cal Society of America, Annals 77(4):333-334. (hb).
Gara. Robert Imre. and E Ii Holsten 1975. Prelimi-nary studies on aretie bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) of the Noatak River drainage. Zeit-schrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 7S(3):24S-254. (hb ds).
Cara. Robf.rt Imre. and L. L. Jaeck. 1978. Insect pestsof red alder: potential problems. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Nortliwest Forest and Rangę Experiment Station, General Technical Report 70:265-269. (cn).
Cara. Robert Imre. W R Littke. J K Acee, D R. Geiszler. J D Stuart, and C H Driver 1985. Influence of fires, fungi and mountain pine heetles on development of a lodgepole pine forest in south-central Oregon. Pages 153-162 in I^odgepole pine: the species and its management. Symposium proceedings, 8-10 May 19S4, Spokane, Washington. (ec).
•Gara. Robert Imre. and V A Samanieco. 1970. No.
11243, Studies on flight and host selection behav-ior of A'.ylcborus spp. and Platypus spp. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae and Platypodidac). Report of forest entomology consultant (Latin America). UNDP/SFproject LAT/REC/8. Interamerican Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Turrialba. 103 p. ()•
Cara. Robert Imre. and Jean PierreVite. 1962. Studies on the flight patterns of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in second growth ponderosa pine forests. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Contributions 21 (5):275-290. (bvhb).
Cara Robert Imre. Jean Pierre Vite. and II. II. Cramer 1965. Manipulation of Dendroctonus frontalis by use of a population aggregating pheromone. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Contributions 23(3):55-66. (bv).
Carbers. C. F.. and F Scott. 1976. Terpenoid synthesis V. Eleetrophilicaddition reactions in the synthesis of the ocimenones, the rosę oxides, and a pheromone of Ips paraconfusus. Tetrahedron Letters I9.I625-I62S. (bv ms).
Carbers. Fr. 1930. Der Stand des Ulmensterbens und seiner Erforschung. Die Gartenwelt 1930:563-564. (cn).
•Carcia. M F 1970. Bioecologia del taladrillo de los frutales dc carozo, Scohjtus rugulosus Ratzeburg. Revista de Investigaciones Agropex., 1NTA Buenos Aires, Ser. 5 (Patok Veg.) 7:11-19. ().
Carcia de Viedma. Manuel. 1964. llylurgus ligniperda F., plaga de las repoblaciones de pino: sintomas de su ataques (llylurgus ligniperda, a pest of pine plantations: symptoms of its attack). Boletin del Servicio de Plagas Forestales, Madrid 7(13):61 — 63. (cn).
•Carcia de Viedma. Manuel, and F. Robredo Junco. 1963. Insect pests in pine plantations (In Spanish). U. AsambleaTecnica Forestal, Ministerio de Agri-cultura, Madrid 1962 No. 4 (Session 8a, Sub-session A), 1963:918-922. ().
•Carcia-Tejero. Francisco Domincuez. 1955. Escoli-tida Espanola de interes agricola. Boletin de Patologia Yegetal y Entomologia Agricola 20:211-279. ().
Gakdiner. F . Jr IS79. Coleoptera of the Wbite Monn-tains. Psyche 2:211-213. (ds).
•Cardinef.J G 1945. Report ofthe Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada for the year ending March 31, 1945. Ottawa, Ontario. Q-
*-- 1946. Report ofthe Minister of Agriculture for the
Dominion of Canada for the year ending March 31, 1946. Ottawa, Ontario. 235 p. ().