i. »• •
* * • % • (
i. »• •
* * • % • (
plan loses
. cent to 50 per cent on Incorot coverad by ihoat provltłons and ioiiwred the preient * 530.000 eicmpłlcn to 113.000 *
The senatora orgued the reform propoaala would haua roised nearly 14 btltlcn a year tn oddJtlona! rrvenue to hefp pay for rcvenue shnrlng wlth the natksTi cttlcs and States.
1. eaaM voto for thts
Talks called off
the gumpllon to pay for It" —
Air w es L thaldowned twro MIGs ln a madaU werc preaeated.He aald Tl* filera will be honored at
Flnance Commłttee chatnhan and ftoor manager of the bill. incrcug _iargucd_tht_jimcivdmc5U^® ^ for thelr “non-germatae'' U the admlnls-tration-backcd mcaiure.
mcctlDg-włUdiii menaungO0 ^^y-niar-uakSA
werk out an agreemrot for Imposlng aaiKtlons on natlons whlch fali to eitmdlte or prosccute hljackcri
The flfth goveraor of Oklahoma. John Wal ton. was Impcoched the same ycar he took Office. 1723 -
and aftor servlce wlth that branch he Pcw for threc ycora wlth Northwest Airlines, thm Jolncd, United Airlines os o Oight taetruetnr Alut Iwo years wlth that company, hc jolocd West Coast Airllr rt |n Seat dc as auUUot dlrector of Dlghl operallons
^IU wat wlth niaUao<Ułaaad-RiieMe-rteatved-hla- twarda Fi Phantom crews of the 02nd nitchle heard of hla "backica-
Forte AiaoclallonY conventŁon famlly In SacramerUo. Callf,
After the offlclal oeremoiuea. rUidiytUe. N£* to lec hll DaMIa vu* - pinu -U^viiKJłla__l*rt<\tf.__
WASHINGTON (UPf) .-At-Ucklng the adfninUtralłon for •‘•pendthrlfl" bjdget doflcIU. SenaU !lb«ra!i unsucceaafulty aought Morda) to otuch Ui rafórro to o $3J bMlon rtiwaua aharlrg bill.
Sfna Frank Church, D-Idaho, and Goylord tiełaon. D-WU..-offered tho propoaata. charglng It u*Ai "the hdght of fucal
TFrcipSiiHner~fo" ralalng Uus to pay for IL was an amendment that would
have ńepealod the 20 per cent — dapr acta tlen albwartc*
glv«n bualnsasea planu and eq*pment.
KUM on a 50 to X3 role was an-amendmint that wouid hnve rtpealad minimum tai \uwt wtilch silów income Us deduc-tlona under the atock optlon. Capital galn. ck\ dcpletion and bad debt provtsłona. It alio would havc Increased the
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Th* United SUtes today called off
__ _ Ulks thłs week wtth a
Prerich alrllrw scćSlng* United" States land Ing rtghtj becouie "of the toUUy negatlrmłttnide of tho French delegallon" at ao antlhljacklng confcrcnce herc.
—Sute DcpartfDrot-
S. MaidoWr4kMkŁ of the deparlmrnfs Office of •vlatlon. haa been tnjtructed to caocel a Wodneaday mootlng ln Parts wlth eucuttves of the airllne. Union Aerienne des Transports
Th* alrllne ts aeeklng landtag rlghts ta San Francisco and Ids Angeles for OlghU orlglnating
Omrch-tald, Amlaaa wa-
Acknowlcdglrg ^i© aupported tacrcaslng the minimum tai on Income covered by thosc apcclal provtslojvs. Long prom-laed the proposa! would bo “one of the principia Itema we will look at" when his commłttee condorU a lag. reform itudy
ln Tokyo
. ’ *We feel It U unrcalutlc of the FYencH to Ulk ci Jhe dvtl-commerctal aąiecta avlation whUe fatltag to come te grlps wlth the• compclllng rcaUtiea of a%tatlon safety." a U ST offlclal sald TTłe ccnfcronce U a 17-natlon
official sets talk
TWJN FA1.LS - Capt. Darld H Hlnsom, Hughes Alrwcst offlclal. will address the Tktn FaUs Kiwania Qub Thuraday.
Hlraom la aagutant. to the generał manager of thd alrłtae and Kas served ln tłiaTcopacUy jłfy.AągtfLJ.??!_
The club will meet at noon at the Turf Club.
Mar to hla prcmotlon to Ma preaent post. Hinaom was dlrector of fUght ilandordi and ■ englneerlng wlth responslbtlHy _ ___of
fUght operatloni lltnsom‘a Ulk ul U dcal wlth the hUtory of Hughes Atrwest. the preient aUtus of the Hnc. and Its antictpat<d futurę * Unitom begon his orloihn
HONOLULU <UPI) - Capt. Oiarlea DeBellerua. America* firat ."bsekseat" ace of the Yletnsm war. ta Id Sunday ha felt "proud” włten he ahot down hU flfih Sovtet-bu2It MIG.
'TC was a monumentaJ occaalon." the r-yeor-oJd Air Force caplata aafd DoBellevuo wat preaented the Air Porce crcu, the «Uvar aUr. and the dlatlngulahed Hytng croaa at Hlckam Air Force Dato.
North Vletnam. *
The awards were presentod by'U. Gen: Tlmbth>'OTCeefdr vtce commander ta chief of the Pacific Air Force. who ełtad De Delie vue for ‘eitreodrlnary ocla of herolsm and achleye-ment."
. DeBellevue woa accompanled durlng the ceremonyiiy Capt. Richard S. RJtchJe. 33. the Air Force*a ftrst Vletnam ace who XCCCiytdJbewAmcthrce aw^rda
Cadillacs re called
DKTHOIT fUPIl - General Motors Corp. Mondoy ..anr. nounoed reenH of 37.000 CndU* taca produced at the md of the W7 model ytar to flnd 3.«0 <kfcctlYc left reor ailr shofls.
Tbe Cadllloc Motor Dlvls»on of OM sald that the shafts rnuy be a frtctlon of nn tnch ioo long and • coukl rcsult ta unusual pressure on the uhccl brorlng slngled by loud nobe.
"lf thls ts tgrwed and the drlw contlnues to operate the cor wlthout hov1ng tt s*rvtced.,* Cadiltae sald. “the beoring will fali and could cause o ):« of ri»ar uheel brakes " — •
Saturday ta Salgcn.
Fłre ."kfflj" glve a flghter pilot "ace" statui.
The backaeater In a Phantom operatea the radar and Computer gear needad to locil* enemy planea ord to put the piana ln ltne wlth and ctase to the target -although the pilot oclually flrei the cannon or mlaatles. The bockaeat mon alao ta the naslgator.
DeBeltavue scerad h!a flfth klll about Iwo houra before
tavue sald. **! feel proud"______
tik od about aho&Ung down hla flfth MIG Jat.
Both men Ihdkatad espport of the Ylatnam war and when qutatloned on thelr role In American bom bing sald they wtre ilmpty InatmmcnU of V&. forelgn potlcy.
"Noboify despliei war morę than aa." Rltchtc sald aa DoBelkvue nodded. DeBeUeyue aald. -WeYe ovcr there dolng a Job. You can*t say we*re
Jusf liii in Order Blank and « Mail Wifh Your check or Money Order . . .
for Additional Information
^Student Sjibscriplion Spccial
Ordorod by.........7...................... .... ■
City Sto to *•••«• Zip •••••••!
AlI moJ tubt OoesLonly-yrhc hmmmmmmmmmm
aro to b^pa!d lteodvanco~Ott*r whcrJfkoff*«r strąca n NOT ovo4obU.
Experiment in Pleasure#3
You'vc hcanl tlić exprcssion. "Cgg in your bcer.“ Weil. bow iiboui somc scocclł in your milk? Madę with J&O Ra/c Scoicli and u ica-łpoon of MJgur. il inakcs a vory plcasurublc drink called .i “Scwch Flmg". “Ptirc Plcasurc" i\ sim-
ply /il) on łlic roefs.
Tór~)ch.> ffc.~J&irf-ca[icTÓTrr/-Br^TOpnWBBTW PkB.urr, MrMer PoiWInłion Corp.i Ail*«fllUoe Drpi.: MO Flfih A^r.j N«U Vori. N.Y. 10020
have been a team tor the liat Aaaoclatlen contenLon uh ich tli montha In the4r Phantom Fł $ept. 15 ln San Antonia.
TeT Tei. After that gotheelng. they
At a newi confcrence DeBel- «1U atao be honored at the Air
- II •* *»r f C^» k »