- 2 -


oloflinu to 50 yardu on tho port boati, otrikou boii\; coon alons tho wholo lon^th of tho fueolA-o And on tho atnrbonrdwin£ aa ho pLased abcvo. Thio win^ burat into fl^.ioo nnd firó wam Ala 7 . notlood inaido tho niroraft. Tvro lor^o pioooo foli aft’ tho o/a whioh wont into a apin frora 300 ft out ot whioh lt was liqpoao:Lblo for it to puli out. Thia io olainod ab doatroyod.    '    . j

Tho two Moaąultoea oontinuod northWArds, F/LT Z‘.vgLIN;3K.I 1£* nlios ln front of V«r/0 '/ISTliiL who wab on P/Lt* ZW0LBI3KI'o port aide. Iłach n/o flow:c.;. • indopondontly, sig-aagjdi^ throu^h fjordo And botwu^n r.wuntains .And hilla. .lt 1052 hours thoy turnod woatw.rd And loft tho Norwocinn Gonet At $9°37 ’ At ;uS. 1.325 to roturn to bano flyin^, At ao lovol. v/0 7ISTłŁ'.L who wab thon 6 jnilos bohind P/Lt. UiTOLINSKI wab told by hia obaorvor whon 8 or 1Ó‘raiłoś frora tho oo.nst thnt*

2 F1HI9O0 woro NTialblo olx niiloo bohind At 1500 - 2000 ft. but 7/hon our Kos^uito.' had roAohod a point 50-40 r.iilou fruń tho ooact, tho IV. 190a oould no lonsor bo aoo.n.

Flak s Ovor 30LA (airfiold and aonpl-uw otation), Bofors-typo o^orionood,

fron bohind and too hi^h. Ala© aonw honvy flak north. >f sonnlan© bnao*

33/.1 Taotioo. Iilnoiay y/as tftkon by uurpriao by our lioscjuitoo# whioh approaohod At »oro foot« Tho łV.1 90# fluw 100 hi.;h to ba ablo to dietinjuish tho Mognuitooa Prcra tho roujh sod nnd ooaat with whioh our onmoufla^o' blohdod oxtroińoly woli.    ...

0-ino;:ur». j Jfot uaoci.    *    . .    t j

;uar.iunition ; P/L ZWOLINbiCI 160 roundo.

'W/o 'limUŁ 200 rounds. -*

Pilota ! P/Lt. ronsa (Polish)

-7/0 'YISTHbL (Poliah) ,

NAviAAtora. 1 P/Lt. JaCHuLSTCI (Poliah) \ V0 ’/0ZMY (Poliah).

* pilot owpiojsr,


no. 307 (POLISH) S^JADRON, r.-up. st..t3;on. mm

J)jatribution> *

H.Q. iw D* (r.3. ( 2 oopioo)

H»Q. tfo. 13 (rTOmi (2 oopioo)

Sol teł: Intolli^onoo Offioor, Turnhtfuficr' (1 oopy) Station Intołłł^onoó Offioor, Drora, (1 oepy) StAtion Intollijonoo Ofbioor. Suubur^h (1 oqpy) Poliah Inspootornto Gcnoral (1 oopy)

Poliah Liaison Offioor II. Q, .w,D.G.B. (1 oopy) O/Ldr, Opa. Oic.ibur^h (1 ocmy)

Oontrollor Londok (1 oępy)

Piło (1 o;^py)



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