0 15 2 MaaS, P. W. T.; MaENHOUT, C. A. A. A. [The grass root-knot nematode ('jileloidogyne naasf) on sugar beet.] Het graswortelknobbelaaltje    (Meloidogyne    naasi) bij

suikerbieten. Gewasbescherming (1978) 9 (6) 159-166 [NI] Piantenziektenkundige Dienst, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Observations were madę on the biology of Meloidogyne oaasi on sugar beet and fodder maize growing on marinę sandy soil in HoLland. Populations were high after winter wheat and larvae entered the roots of a good host (wheat) and developed to maturity, producing eeg masses in summer which remained in the soil and frotn which larvae hatched the following spring. Larvae entering the roots of fodder majze (a poor host) did not deve!op to maturity and egg production. In sugar beet, aJso a poor host, distinct root galls were seen in June but the nematodes did not reach maturity. Little damage was observed on sugar beet, the infestation in the soil investigated being usually below 2 tXX) !arvae atid eggs/100 ml. Larval hatch in the laboratory was best at 19'C, a lew morę larvac hatched in gr3ss root leuchace than in tap water.

0 15 3 MAASSEN, H. [lnvestigation of mignition of Prjtyleachus into and out of maize roots in relation to the taking of soil or root samples.j Untersuchung iiber die Ein-und Auswaiulerung von Nematoden der Gattuog Pratylenchus in Maiswurzein im Hinblick auf die Entnahme von Boden- oder Wurzelproben. Gesunde Pflanzen (1977) 29 (9) 203-205 (De|

Counts of Pratylenchus in soil and root sam pies in a maize crop showed that numbers in soil fell from May to July and then inereased to a rnasimum in November. Numbers in the roots inereased as tho>e in the soil dccreased. In July 2% of the population of Pratylenchus were in the soil and 98% in the maize roots. The nematodes multiolied in the roots in August so that in September 36% of the population was in the soil and 64% in the roots. With decay of the roots in November all the nematodes left the roots and were found in the soil. The implications of the movement of Pratylenchus into and out of maize roots in estirnating the degree of field infesution are discussed.

0 154 RUDZYAVICHENE, Z. [RUDZEVlClEN£, Z. ) [Comparative evaluation of the oematode fauna of some fodder grasses grown after different preceding crops.J Acta Parasirologicu    Lituanica    (Biokhimichcskic

immunogenctichcskie aspekty invazionnogo protsessa) (1979) 17, 101-105 (Ru, en, li) Inst. Zoologii i Parazitologii AN Litovskoł SSR, Vilnius. Lithuania, USSR.

The elTect of a precursor crop followed by a catch crop (barley) on the nematode fauna of newly-sown fodder grasses was studied in esperimental plots in the Lithuanian SSR. Barley, grown for one year, did not pemianeutly aiTect the nematode speeies composilion. The nematode fauna of clover and luceme sown after barley soon bccame re-established with Ditylenchus dipsaci as the dominant speeies. This was most marked when clover had been previously grown in prolonged monoculture.

0 156 GOODF.lL, P. B.; PERRIS. H. Distribution of five plant-parasitie nematodes in aifalfa. 299 [Enj Dep. of Nematol., Univ. of California. Riverside, CA 92521, USA.

Five nematode populations were recorded from a luceme field: Mdoidogync arenaria. Pratyłcnchus minyus, Mcrlinius brcvidcns, Hdicoty/cnchus digonicus and Paratrichodorus minor and the goodness of fit of each observed frequency distribution to a negative binomial tested.

0157 hGUNJOBI. O. A. On the possibfe utilisation of discardcd cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) pod busks as fertilizer and nematicide. In Procccdings of the 5th International Cocoa Research Conterence, Ibadan, Nigeria. 1-9 September, 1975. Ibadan, Nigeria; Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria. (1977) 541-547 [En] Dep. of Agric. Biol., Univ. of Ibadan. Ibadan, Nigeria.

Application of dried cocoa pod husk powder to Pratylenchus brachyurus infested maize plots at 90, 65 and 40 kg/ha resulted in a decrease in nematode numbers (85, 79 and 78%) and an inerease in maize yields (127, 78 and 70%). Maize growtb was aJso improved. Residua! cffecls were observed in a second crop. The results indicated that cocoa pod husks were elTective both as a fertUizer and nematicide.

0 158 RhOaOFS. H. L.    Effcct of nonfumigant

nematicides on the Sting nematode. Belonolaimus longicaudatus. and yicld of sweet corn. Symp: New develop. sotl and crop sci. Proceedines. Soil and Crop Science Society of Flonda (1978) 37. 218-220 (Enj Agric. Res. A Education Center. Sanford. FL 32771, USA.

A J-year study on Delray fine sand showed that populations of Bdonolaimus longicaudatus were reduced and the yield of Zea mays var. saccharata was inereased when nonlumigant nematicides were applied just before planting. The best control was obtained followmg treatment with pnenamiphos, aldicarb, sulphocarb or AC-64475. Post-plant applications of phcnamiphos or oxamyl to severely injured plants were not efTective in iraproving plant growth or inereasing yields.

015 9 BURNETT, P. A.; DUNBfER, M. W.; HlATT, J. A-A gJasshouse screening technique for resistance to stem nematode in lucerne. In Procccdings of the 32nd New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, Dunedin, 7-9 August 1979. Palmerston North, New Zealand. (1979) 199-201 [En] Crop Res. Div., DSIR. Christchurch, New Zealand.

A glasshouse technique for screening luceme (Medicago sativa) for resistance to stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) is described. Resistance shown by plant survival for 12 wecks or by absence of swelJing and distortion 20 days after inoculation agreed with field results. Cv ‘Gladiator’ which was susceptible in field trials in Canterbury. New Zealand, was shown in tests to be as susceptible as ‘Saranac’, while ‘Washoe* was confirmed as resistant.

0 155-McLEOD, R. W. & McGECHAN, J. K., 1966. “New hosts of Aleloidogyne speeies (root knot nematodes) in New South Walcs.” Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., 77 (2), 115-116.

The following Meloidogyne speeies are recorded on new hosts: M. arenaria from Bcllis pereimis; M. hapla from Cotula australis, Cryptostemnia calendula, Cyclanten persicum, Ecliiutii plantagineumErechtites prenamhoides, IJelichrysian diostni/oliwnOenothera tetragoua, Pimelea liuifolia, Silene gallica [-S. anglica), Trifolium campcstre [ — T. pro-ciwibem), T. dubium, T. glomcration and Vitis rupestris; Af. incognito from Althaea rosea, Bouuardia sp.cult., Printula malacoides and Vitis riparia; M. javanica from Ardisia crenata, Cyclanien penicum, Gardenia augusta and Solanum mauritia-num.

016 0 FERRis, J. M. (Consideration of nematodes in md integrated approacb to management of pests in corn and sorghum.] Abs. No. 418 Dep. of Eniomol., Purdue Univ.. West Ufayette. IN 47907. USA.

Assessment of maize and sorghum yicld iosses caused by Pratylenchus. Hoplolaimus, Longidorus and Xiphinema in the USA and possible control methods are considered.

016 1 Canada, Department of agriculture Research Branch Report 1976-1978. Ottawa. (1979) xi + 473 [En, Plant nematology pp. 2-3, 12, 13, 79, 86, 131-132, 177, 179-180. 395, 415]

Work reported on includes:    potato breeding for

resistance to Globodera spp., the pathological effeets of Pratylenchus penetrans on legumes and forage grasses. interaction between P. penetrans and Fusarium spp. on lucerne and control of the nematode with phenamiphos or methyl brotnide or by fallowing, control of P. penetrans on 108 tobacco usrng Telone C-17, the contribution of nematodes to


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