06 49 R0IVAINEN, O., TINNILA, A. 6 KANERVO, V., 1962. n0bservatlons on the Stern neoa-tode Dltylenchus dlpsacl (Kuhn) FIllpJev as a pest of red clover In FInland." Annls agrlc. Ferm., 1 (2), 127-132.

06 6 0 —TOB AR JIMĆKEZ, A., GUEVARA BENiTEZ, D. & MARTINEZ SIERRA, C., 1968. “Iofluencia dcl Zygotylenchus gucuarai (Tobar Jimcncz, 1963) Braun y Loof, 1966 sobrc aJgunos de sus hospcdadores.'* Revta iber. Parasit28 (2), 177-187. (Engłish sununary pp. 185-186.]

A poc cxperiment was carried out with 5 species of plants, oq a sandy-loara soil, to asscss nc*.v hosts of Zygotylenchus guecarai. The statistical data, ob-talned 10 months after planting, showed chat Viola tricolor and V. odorata were goud hosts; whice clover and luceme were resistant hosts but red clover was oot attacked by Z. gu€varai. TyUnchor-kynchus brevidensf accidcotally present in the soil, reproduced on wbite clover, lucerae, and cspeciaMy on red c!over without interfering with Z. guetarai. Other nemarodes present in the soil did not piay any significant role in the e.tperiment.

06 61 GRIFFTN, G.D., 1968. ‘The pathogenlcl-tj of Dltylenchus dlpsacl to alfalfa and tne relatlonshlp ot temperatura to plant Infectlon and susceptlblllty". Phytopa-thology, 58 (7), 929-932.

Dltylenchus dlpsacl penetrated resistant and susceptlble varietles of luceme with eąual ease and there was no relatlonshlp between the master s of lnvadlng netnatodes and the response of the host. 28 days after lnoculatlon, 43 and 33\ of the lnvading nematodes were found ln the cotyledons of susceptlble and resistant plants respec-tlvely. The effect of temperaturę on lnfec-tlon was lnvestigated.

0 6 62 LUNDIN, P., 1967. ł,Ny nematodreslstent elit av Welbulls Alfa Blalucern." Welbulls Arbs. Vaxtlforadl. Vaxtodllng, Year 1967,


Dltylenchus dlpsacl ls one of the most Import ant parasltes of luceme ln Swe den. Work is ln progress on breedlng llnes for reslstance.

0663 TSENG, S.T., ALLRED, K.R. & GRIFFIN, G.D., 1968. " A soli populatlon study of Dltylenchus dlpsacl (Kuha) Flllpjev ln an alfalfa field.” Proc. helmlntch. Soc. Wash., 35 (1), 57-62.

Wuober8 of Dltylenchus dlpsacl ln a luceme field on sllt loam itear Smithfleld, Utah, U.S.A., fluctuated seasonally. 2 peak denaltled were observed durlng the sampling period from August 1965 to June 1966. One peak w88 between late August and eorly Sep-tember 1965, and the other occurred durlng the mlddle of May 1966. At 0 to 10 aa. depth where most of the nematodes were found, numbers ranged from 50 nematodes per 400 c.c. of soli in autuznn to one nematode per 400 c.c. of soil ln the wlnter. Peak mnabers occurred when the soli temperaturo was approslmately 15°C., and the greater the devlatlon from thls temperaturę, the smaller the number of nematodes.

06 5 4-ELMIL1GY, 1. A., 1968. “The occurrcnce of Hcicrodcra glycines on Trifolium alexandrinum in United Arabie Rcpublic.*’ A'ematologica, 14 (4), 592-593.

Hcicrodcra glycines maJes, females and )arvae were found in soi) around roots of Trifolium alc.\andrinum in the United Arab Rcpublic. Larvae were found in soi) around the roots of Zea metys, Cucurbiia moschato, Lycopcrsicon esculentum and Solanum luberosum. T. alcxandrinum is considered a host plant of H. glycines in the United Arab Republic.

0666-SKARBILOVICH, T. S., 1963. [Study 0f the suscepiibiliry of variuus varieties of legumes and of maize to Tylenchorhynchus dubius (Bin schli, 1873).] In: . [Hclminths of man, animals and plants and their conirpl: Papers on helminthology presented to Acadcmician K. 1. Skryabin on his 85th birthday.] Moscow: Izdatelsioo Akad. Nauk SSSR> pp. 511-5)4.

06 6 6 DASGUPTA, D.R., RASK1, D.J. 6 SHER, S.A.,    1968. "A revlslon of the genua

Rotylenchulus Llnford and 011velra, 1940 (Nematoda: Tylenchidae)." Proc. helmlnth. Soc. Wash., 35 (2), 169-192.

The genu8 Rotylenchulus ls revlewed and the genetlc diagnostę emended. The morphol-ogy of Rotylenchulus and key to the species ls glven. K. nicotTana and R. stakmanl are synonymlzed- with R. reniformis. DescrTptlon of the neotype” amf redescrlptlons of varlous stages are glven for the genotype, R. reniformis. Malea and maturę females of R. paryus and larvae of R. borealls are (Jescrłbed for the flrst tlme. Thus Rotylenchulus has 6 new species. R. macrosomus n.sp. from Olea europaeaArachls hypogaea, Phaseolus yulgarfs and banana in Ysrael, ls simllar to rT boTealls but dlffers in its longer styfet, longer hyallne portlon to the lmmature female tali and the larger size of males and lmmature females. R. claylcaudatus n.sp. assoclated with Strelltzla sp^ From the Transkel, South XFrlca, can be dlstlngulshed from R. macrosomus and R. borealls by the lack of annulatlon on tffe lip region and the lower 'o' value, and from R. macrosomus by the morę anterior posltlón of the vulva. R. leptus n.sp. from soli around the roots of grasses and Bamboos yulgarla from Gwelo, Rhodesla, resembles R. paryus but has no annulations ln the fłp region, and has a larger hyallne portlon to the lmmature female tali and a high conold lip region. R. yarlablUs n.sp. assoclated with Rumex sp. In Rhodesla and with bean, com, banana, cowpea, oll-palm and other plants ln Kenya    and Nigeria, dlffers    from

Rotylenchulus paryus in the annulatlon of the lip region and the longer hyallne tali oortlon. R. anamlctus n.sp. assoclated with Acacla spT at Merca, Somalia, dlffers from k. paryus in the morę posterlor vulva and Tn the shape and larger size of the tali in the lmmature female. The body ls shorter and the stylet smaller than ln R. reniformis. R. macrodoratus n.ap. froo Vltis śpi, Lauru s nobli ls,* and PrunuB anrygdalua solls ln italy, is unique ln that TEsstylet ls morę than 22 mlcrons long and - the atylet knobs have anchor shaped pro-17/ cesses dlrected forwards.


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