Wszelkie szczegóły dotyczące poleceń i ich zastosowania znaleźć można w dokumentacji Cisco dostępnej pod adresem:
xml/ios/fundamentals/command/cf command ref/L through mode.html#wp2675249815
Command Modę |
Access Method |
Pronipt |
Exit Method |
User EXEC |
Log in. |
Router* |
Use the logout command. |
Privileged EXEC |
From user EXEC modę, use the enablc EXEC command. |
To return to user EXEC modę, use the disabie command. | |
Global configu ration |
From privilcged EXEC modę, use the configu re terminal privileged EXEC command. |
Router(config)* |
To return to privilcged EXEC modc from global configuration modę, use the exił or end command. or press Ctrl-Z. |
Interface configuration |
From global configuration modę, specify an interface using an interface command. |
Router(config-if)ł |
To return to global configuration modę, use the exit command. To return to privileged EXEC modc. use the end command, or press Ctrl-Z. |
ROM monitor |
From privilcged EXEC modę, use the reload EXEC command. Press the Break key during the first 60 seconds while the system is booting. |
To exit ROM monitor modę, use the continue command. |
Command |
Purpose |
help |
Provides a brief description of the help system in any command modę. |
abbrevl ated-ccmnand-encry? |
Proyides a list of commands that begin with a particular character string. (No space between command and question mark.) |
abbrevi a ted-ccsanand-en try<*ab> |
Completes a partial command name. |
* |
Lists ail commands available for a particular command modę. |
coanand 1 |
Lists the keywords or arguments that you must enter next on the command linę. (Space between command and question mark.) |
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